MovieChat Forums > To the Wonder (2013) Discussion > Grim, Pretentious and Preachy

Grim, Pretentious and Preachy

Have loved some of Malick's past films. Especially Badlands and Thin Red Line.I think he has lost his way, is struggling and it shows. Struggling artists can often produce brilliant work, but not Malick Im sorry to say in To The Wonder.As to the characters in this film I couldn't care less about them.Sorry. Terrance Mallick's direction here seems to be as shut down as the Neil, played by Ben Afflleck. To The Wonder is a barren film,empty of ideas and spirit. What a beautifully shot disappointment.


I'd describe it as "pseudogenius", it tries to look all artsy and significant but there's nothing under the surface.
Ben Affleck often seemed to have that "what am I doing here" face on him.


I cared about the characters, and I liked the ideas. It may be just a commentary on a relationship or it may be way more, but at the end of the day I felt like it was saying if you're not having intimacy and commitment in a relationship you're doing them wrong. And also, how we can grow from failed ones and heartache in general, often coming out better than we came in.
