
It was all in french But I liked it I thought it was ok


It was in english, french and spanish actually....


Was Marina's friend ("I'm an experiment") Italian? 1John4:4


She was very Italian! Also Marina spoke/shouted Russian (or Ukranian) at one point to Neil, but interestingly, that wasn't subbed.


And the lullaby to her child, was that Russian as well?


Yes, the lullaby was in Russian - there wasn't much Russian in here though. At the end she says "Pray, pray..."

:: filmschoolthrucommentaries ::


At the end she says "Pray, pray..."
Where does she say that exactly?


Hmm, I didn't notice that. But she did sing in Russian to the chicken.


except where she held the rooster up to Affleck and said "he is the Daddy".

Who's your Daddy? Pedro Martinez


The Russian bit I was referring to follows her French V.O, "We fight, without knowing why" (which follows Quintana's 'You shall love' speech). She's in a car-park with Neil and she speaks Russian to/at him in a seemingly playful/taunting manner. A friend translated the Russian for me as; "No? You don't understand. I love you because you have a ..". It seems to stop there, but after a pause, there is one more word which sounds like 'karigla', but no idea what that is.

Also, in Olga's final scene, in the field, she shouts something Russian-sounding at the horses on the horizon. It's low in the mix and haven't asked for a translation yet. It's only a couple of words, but I'm still curious what they are. If I remember correctly, these would effectively be her last words in the film.
