MovieChat Forums > To the Wonder (2013) Discussion > Best Christian films of the decade

Best Christian films of the decade

I reckon this one's on there. Arguably, Upstream Color is, too (also from this year). Any others you all like from this decade so far?


Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
And of course Tree of Life.


Of Gods and Men
The Kid with a Bike

And despite it being cheesy and simple, I enjoyed watching The Way with my family and discussing it afterwards. Movies that take faith seriously are rare so its nice to have a simple one that can be shared easily to anyone.


Curious as to where all the self-appointed "Militant Atheist" brigade is? - Normally they're all over religious or spiritually themed movies with their "illuminating" and "incisive" comments but I haven't seen any so far here or on the reviews. Maybe word hasn't gone out on the "Think for yourself - Repeat everything Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens say" tam-tam network yet?

Great Christian film though - Very brave to make one so boldly in current environment. Good addition to "New Spiritual Wave" as well.



The film is mostly "spiritual" (for want of a better word) but at the end becomes rather more narrowly Christian, though since the bridging character is a Catholic priest seeking the Divine and finding it to be Universal, alongside 2 Christian people seeking love in the same way, this route is quite understandable.

Also, many Atheists like Malick and other "non-Atheist" artists and that is good. I am not mocking genuine Atheists or Rationalists, just the pea-brained sexually frustrated types who see no other way than troll sites with hate and vitriol in barely comprehensible blocks of childish insults. They have nothing to do with the intellectual tradition of Humanism or Rationalism in the same way the idiots who go around with "God hates F*GS!" T-shirts and posting wanting the death of those they don't approve of in no way even remotely resemble real Christians. Every idea is of itself pure but alas attracts those who do not understand it but see it as a way of venting their own personal issues.




I am an anti-theist ,however other atheists who troll on message boards on IMDB don't represent me.

Terence Malick is simply a brilliant movie maker ,lots of different people love his movies you don't have to be a Christian.
His movies are not strictly Christian either ,they can be interpreted in many ways...

Some of the best movie makers(imo) were Christians like Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky ,absolute cinema masters.

If you haven't seen Tarkovsky's movies you should really check him out ,"The Sacrifice" is arguably one of the best religious movies ever made its a masterpiece.

I don't have any problem with Christians or religion in movies ,music ,sculpture or paintings.

I do have a problem with people banning condoms in Africa ,the pedophile epidemic in the Roman Catholic Church ,tea baggers inserting religion into politics ,forcing kids to learn the bible(fiction) instead of science(fact) or making Christianity the official state religion etc.

Atheist trolls who quote Hitchens forget that Hitchens always treated Christians he debated with respect ,he was a decent human being.



Beautifully put. I wish there were more like you around t-constantijn...



As to whether “To the Wonder” is a “Christian film”, this is my impression: Because Christians believe that Jesus reveals how to authentically live as human beings, when Christians see others striving for that authenticity, it appears as striving after Christ (however unintentional one's striving may be).

Consequently, I think a tendency among Christians to recognize that where good exists, it exists because their God exists at the source of that good (to repeat: whether acknowledged or not). If any have read Graham Greene’s “A Burnt-Out Case”, the Superior’s homily about Christian love would indicate this sort of orientation.

However valid that appropriation (from a Christian perspective), I don’t like prefacing films or books or music with the word Christian. It excuses such materials from having to survive on their own merit, and Malick is more than able to do so.




I fail to see how Upstream Color can be read as a Christian film.

ce n'est pas une image juste, c'est juste une image


Decade as in the last 10 years, or 2010-2013? I'll do the former:

To the Wonder (2013)
The Tree of Life (2011)
TRON: Legacy (2010)
Severed Ways: The Norse Discovery of America (2007)
Silent Light (2007)
Children of Men (2006)
Into Great Silence (2005)
Junebug (2005)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)

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