soundtrack question

Is the score originally composed? I swear I heard Henryk Gorecki's Symphony 3 at the end but it sounded just a little different.



Okay I just had a look at the credits and it is indeed Gorecki which is strange because it sounds different from the standard recording that you can get on CD.



I think the composer did his own versions of a few classics (Wagner, Gorecki). There was also some previously reordered classics and original score.


I'm pretty sure the Gorecki is used without alterations. During the 'Christ on my left...Christ on a bike etc' section I think it was the first movement.

I think my favourite use of music was Rautavaara's Cantus Arcticus (Migration of the Swans) during the McAdams in the cornfield scenes.


there was multiple uses of both gorecki's 3rd and arvo parts fratres unadulterated.
