Infuriating on way too many levels to enjoy in any way.
Let see... dream man whisks French lady and her child off to America, BUT child decides it's not for her so dream couple break up and mommy moves back to France with child.
(Really!?!?! Who in their right mind would allow a child to instigate that kind of thing to happen???)
Child decides she wants to live with her father after all, which then leaves French lady free to return to America and resume relationship with dream man.
("Oh, what's that..? Your kid says it's OK for you to come back to me? OK, sure, why not. Seems like a safe bet.")
Oh, but dream man has to break off budding romance with former fragile girl-friend before French lady returns.
(And this is all precipitated by the child's whims.)
French lady returns to dream man in America but then eventually also decides - it's not for her, so she cheats with some low-life.
(After running into the guy ONCE. OK.)
Dream man initiates divorce from French lady which then leaves her free to twirl about in some nebulous countryside unhindered.
(Seems like she made some really great choices, especially in allowing her child to muck everything up for everyone.)