The Ending. . .
So I'm a little unclear about Marina's fate when the film kicks into its ending montage sequence of frolicking and pensive gazes. Quintana gets transferred. Neil sort of wanders around. Marina however...
There is a shot of her from behind walking down the gate to board a plane. Then later in the same final montage she is in the large back terrace of a new home with a custom waterfall as well as prancing through what looks to be the same Oklahoma woodlands at dusk with two young children.
So was Marina about to fly back to Paris then decided against it and began a proper family with Neil, hence the montage picking up again with the two of them in a newer, bigger, nicer house with children of their own?
I think the film, like all of Malick's, has staggering, redolent visuals, but having Marina's character pulled in all directions only to return to Neil in Oklahoma seems like a cop-out. As wondrous as her realizing it's her destiny and the grace of God that has brought her to this strange, new place, all we get to show her coming to this realization is a shaggy montage.
At least in DAYS OF HEAVEN, we get Richard Gere's motivation for returning for his love: "I never knew what I had with you." Maybe Marina is too ethereal a creature to make any such pronouncement.