The plot

From my view, it sounds like polar Madagascar in reverse.

My name is Karlamon but you can call me Karlamon.



to me, it sounds pretty lazy


Yeah, does come across as cliche. But it's animated. So long as the animation is cute and the jokes aren't terrible... it'll be watchable.


and you're wrong. the trailer to this thing was almost unwatchable. the animation looked unfinished, the sound effects were some of the worst i've ever heard, it was pretty obvious none of the actors gave a sh!t (not even Rob Schneider) and the jokes were painful


I was sad to know that Bill Nighy was in this...


Until I looked it up on the main page, I thought you misspelled "Bill Nye", and all I could think was "BILL, NO! 😨".


The plot is about a polar bear who goes to new York to stop some rich megalomaniac was building houses in the arctic. Its one of those plots that feels like it's going to take forever for the people behind the building to realize what a stupid idea this is. Meanwhile the jokes, characters, action, and nearly everything in this movie is done in such godawful fashion that it makes it so much worse to sit through.

If you're interested, have a review of the movie here-

Trying to go for an informative, and hopefully something people think is funny, youtube channel so hope you guys like. Thanks
