MovieChat Forums > Norm of the North (2016) Discussion > Is this gonna be a global warming propag...

Is this gonna be a global warming propaganda film?

I don't want to get into some debate about whether global warming is real or not, but is this film going to be some environmentalism-type film about melting sea ice? O_o

*UPDATE: I got the answer, this film isn't about climate change, it's more about building houses in the arctic and driving animals away from their homes - so PLEASE stop leaving "global warming is man-made, factories are evil, coal is killing us all, save the whales!" type comments. These comments keep filling up my email, it's annoying, and I don't buy the man-made climate change stuff, anyway. Whoever is doing this, give it a rest, please. It's not helpful or relevant, it's just annoying and pushy. 😫 Thanks.*

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


Haha of course it is. Also a lot of anti-capitalism junk as you can see from the first trailer


Disappointing - kids these days aren't allowed to just be kids and watch a film for fun, they have to consider adult problems like how to stop the earth's temperature from going up by a degree. Anyway, here in Nova Scotia it's snowing like hell and I'd love some global warming coming this way. I assume this film will be a lot like The Lorax and Happy Feet - disguised as a sappy happy kid's movie but filled with enviro themes. 😩

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


I assume this film will be a lot like The Lorax and Happy Feet

lol. Have you ever read The Lorax.


Yeah, I've read The Lorax... why? O_o

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


Aren't pretty much all children's movies dealing with adult or serious problems? Being threatened with death, kidnapped, child abuse, war, death of parents, poverty.... Are these all child friendly?
I saw it today (with children). I didn't particularly enjoy it but it wasn't really about climate change. More about not building houses in the arctic, which I suppose is environmental anyway.


Well, in that sense I suppose you're right a number of kids' films do deal with adult issues. I just think that the environmentalism hype targeted at children has gone way too far, but it's good to know that I can take my little brother to this film without him getting after me for using coal or not buying LED lightbulbs again. I didn't know houses being built in the arctic was a real big issue, the arctic is freezing and I can imagine a flood of humans wanting to live there. 😅

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


I'm 50, and this sort of thing happened ALL through my youth. kids have ALWAYS been allowed to "just be kids", but adults like to freak out and read too much into everything. take the kids to see this, and forget it. it's not going to turn your kids into tree hugging, LGBT liberal hippies. chill out.


There is no debate wheter it's real or not Global Warming is happening. The average climate keeps increasing year after year. There are those who accept the overwhelming scientific data of Climate change and those who are wrong.



I'm not trying to debate global warming - personally I don't believe in man-made climate change and I don't need any "online conversion eco talk" either. I was only asking if this film was going to be pushing out the climate enviro stuff or not.

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


The climate has never been safer. Deaths due to all weather-related events (storms, droughts, floods, heat, cold, etc) have decreased 98% since the 1930s.

The track record of environmentalist doomsayers is abysmal. You wouldn't invest a dollar in someone whose predictions over decades have been 0% correct. The doomsayers have been -100% correct, as their predictions of climate danger stand in stark contrast to the dramatic improvement in climate safety. The well-being of humans is not the doomsayers' goal.


That has nothing to do with anything.
The climate is changing due to humans.

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. 🔥🇺🇸🔥


Who cares? Isn't this a movie forum, not a platform for eco-nuts to debate climate change? Greenpeace has a website where you could repeatedly leave your environmentalist comments, you know. Maybe you are right and maybe you're not, but forcing your opinion on others is just making you annoying. 😕

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


1.-You keep writing that you don't want debate, but you keep stirring the pot. I'm not sure if you do it on purpose but it's not surprising that it keeps coming. You're calling people "eco-nuts" and then insisting they shouldn't give their opinion.

2.-Strictly speaking, by being in such a small minority (1% of the scientific community, 5% of the overall humanity that cares about this enough to have an opinion), you'd be the "eco-nut", since you're in a minority position that goes against all demonstable evidence.

3.-Since you're in the minority, you feel like others are "pushing" what is simply known wisdom by now. You feel "pushing" because it's against what you believe, not because it's pushing anything in particular but because it's teaching what is known. In a way, it's like if you saw a movie about "around the world in 80 days" and you felt it was "pushing" the round earth agenda.

4.-You started a thread asking about an issue and giving your opinion on it right from the start. People are replying and reacting to that. Your inability to understand this basic mechanic of how a forum and a discussion work is a bit more annoying than you stating (not forcing, as nobody can force their opinion on anybody else by just writing a forum post) your ideas. It does make you look like a hypocrite, though.


Scientific community? This isn't a U.N. conference here, it's a forum about a film. I asked if it was going to be a global warming propaganda film or not. I got a bunch of replies from environmental people telling me all this stuff about global warming, so I replied to them with my own opinion on it, since they seem to love to force theirs. I don't believe that climate change is man-made (I think it's real but not caused by too much human production). You can think that that's stupid or whatever you'd like, but it's irrelevant because I was asking about the film, not the planet's state. I think the title of the forum post is just a simple 'yes' or 'no' question, not one that needs replies coming from people who only want to preach environmentalism. I understand where you're coming from and all, but only a couple of people even answered my original question. All the other replies had nothing to do with the film, it was just a bunch of replies going on about saving the earth right off the bat. It's annoying to keep getting environmentalism posts in my email inbox from my forum post. I'd remove my original post, except that I think it'd be pointless by now since it's been here so long.

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


The trailer has lemming's farting... Don't think we'll be getting much of a "message" with this one.


Hmm, that sounds like a film I'll be avoiding, then... I just hope it doesn't mean an excuse for Wal-Mart to start pushing out stupid merchandise from the film all over the place. They've already gone way too far with all that Frozen and Minions cr@p so god-knows what's gonna come out of this animated movie. 😥

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


Methane is a major greenhouse gas



Lazy trolling. 2/10

^Signature is below here
Americans have the right to burn the flag. 🔥🇺🇸🔥


Trolling? Are you sure you're not the one doing just that? I asked a reasonable question, that isn't trolling. Trolling is posting offensive things or leaving rude comments to get a reaction from others, which I haven't done.

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


No it is not. It's a leave-nature-be message.

Milo, I've told you again and again - please, don't walk on the chickens!


I don't believe the Earth revolves around the sun, so I get what you're saying.


So much stupid on this board, I'm surprised some of you even figured out how to put on pants, never mind use a computer.


If it's so stupid, why are you wasting your "valuable" time reading it?

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


Thank you for pointing out the wild fanaticism some demonstrate with regard to global warming/climate change. It's a fanaticism bordering on religious zealotry and jihad.



I clicked on this movie looking for something for my kids to watch. Couldn't believe how bad of ratings this thing was getting and noticed the political nature of the topics on this board. I have no idea if this movie is any good or not, and if it deals with climate change or not, or even if it deserves the rating it has. But I do have something to say after reading this *ish.....

I'm not politically left or right or any of that crap, but I tend to believe these people who say man can't change climate are quite the wishful thinkers. I can watch the weatherchannel on tv and there's a little thing called "city heat index" which is what? The temperature it is in the city which is always a little bit warmer than it is outside the city. Why? Because concrete and cement insulate. They hold in heat. Now imagine all the roads, parking lots, buildings, and everything else "man-made", and how those areas used to be green grass, underbrush, and trees. Not only that, it's proven that plants sequester CO2 into Oxygen and all these paved areas used to be green areas, right? Is this correct or do you argue these things? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm simply saying this is unarguable. I won't even touch on the greenhouse effect of CO2 right now, which is also not arguable.

I remember this thing called the ozone layer, kids don't learn about an ozone layer anymore, why? It's no longer there. Bet you said that wasn't disappearing as well? I remember getting weekly readers as a kid in grade school saying it was disappearing. I remember others (big business talking heads) arguing that it wasn't going anywhere.

In a geology class many many years ago, I learned about sediment carrying capacity. Channelizing waterways by straightening them, dredging them, and/or paving them increases the speed of these waterways (streams, rivers, creeks, what-have-you...) The faster the water moves, the higher the carrying capacity for sediment amount and size. Would you argue with this? Well, slower moving water traversing through natural foliage will cool the water temp, decrease sediment size and carrying capacity, not to mention filter out pollutants. So anyways, the lakes and rivers that are fed by these smaller waterways (which are now seeing channelization and paving to reduce chance of flooding or flood hazards in populated areas) are seeing an increase in 1. water temp 2. sediment size (which insulates and warms water temp) and 3. pollution amounts (fertilizers, pcb's,.etc.) which all contribute to a change in natural water temps, and the ecosystem in general.

Care if you want, or don't. The earth doesn't, it just balances itself in one way or another. The earth really doesn't care if it's a big fiery ball, as it has been in the past. Unless you believe Earth is a little over 2000 years old and then I really have nothing to say to you.

To me there really isn't much of a debate here. Believe what you would like. But if you are turned into a shill for big business and their talking points to sell their agenda, hopefully you will at least realize what you are. Screw democrats, screw republicans, and screw anyone who sees these things as political.

I've tried to lay it out for the people that think man can't change the atmosphere, temperature, ecosystem, vegetation, water temp, warming, cooling, water levels, or whatever else is argued in political circles. Make sure you're not a tool, and think for yourself!


Au contraire, it's the environmentalists being used as a tool at this point. Businesses love environmentalism right now because it's trendy, and all they have to do is smile for the camera while planting a tree or changing an incandescent bulb to a fluorescent one as part of a public relations scam to make their company look good to hippies everywhere. As you say, the earth isn't going anywhere, and it's inevitably going to get worse. So why not just enjoy the world while it's still here, without wasting time worrying about whether coal or solar is the way to go, or whether recycling is good or bad? The excuse for environmentalism is that it's a practice done for "future generations". Truthfully, many enviros don't seriously have this mindset, they're just in it to make themselves look great. And as for people who simply can't afford to buy expensive lightbulbs and buy organic food, or people who rely on mines and mills for their careers, enviros make them look like polluting monsters for no real reason. Not all of them are like this, but a majority are. Environmentalism is a fad right now but in the end, does it really solve anything?

My hometown right now has been in an economic depression ever since their coal mines and steel mill were shut down. There's a great number of children living in welfare homes around here, alcoholics and junkies who lost their factory jobs, and everybody was thrilled when there was talk of a coal mine reopening in town - but nope, hippies had to complain, and now the coal mine is in danger of shutting down once again. What good is it trying to keep carbon emissions down for the planet if it just opens a whole new can of worms?

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


Really? I'm not gonna get into a big thing with you or pick apart your points (using the word sparingly) but c'mon man.... You sound like those talking heads on tv. There may be hippies that are tools, and don't know what exactly they're protesting, and there are definitely megacorporations that spin their polluting ways to make it look like they aren't trashing this place, but I'll just never be able to say, screw it, let's enjoy what we have because nobody really cares about future generations.

I said I wasn't going to get into right or left type politics, but only the right wing can make caring for the environment look bad or make people who care about the earth look like pussies. It's amazing really, some of this spin being conducted. Because certain companies are cashing in on the whole environmentally responsible attitude, it's suddenly at a point where it's spun into looking like environmentally conscious is big business and only out to line pocketbooks of politicians. How is caring about the environment spun into looking like only weak feeble minded people do so? It's almost like fact is stranger than fiction with the spin doctors of now.

Ever hear of Flint, MI? Their water has been poisoned. Lead in the water. It's now coming out that children 0-3 years old will have to be tested for developmental issues for the rest of their lives, at least until they become young adults. I think about my children, and how easy it would have been to give them that water had I lived in the area, and it makes me EXTREMELY upset. My sympathy to those families. If it wasn't for the EPA, nobody would have known. They are changing the constitution so now the EPA has the ability to notify residents if they find high levels of lead or other contaminents in the drinking water. Contrary to ration, they were not able to before. Big business dictated that couldn't happen, it was hurting the pocket books of business behind the water treatment and the politicians that set it up.

Quick history lesson for you - In 1972 the Cuyahoga river caught on fire. This was not natural. This was from man made contaminants - pollution! The Cuyahoga river was one of the largest tributaries into Lake Erie. Lake Erie, being the shallowest of the Great Lakes also meant it was most susceptible to pollution and alteration, meaning you would see it sooner in this lake because it had a much smaller volume of water compared to it's Great Lake neighbors. In 1972 it was known as a "dead lake". Entire pockets of anaerobic activity, dead spots, that would kill fish unfortunate enough to find themselves in it. Because the Cuyahoga river caught on fire, it was a blessing in disguise. People could no longer ignore it. In 1973 the EPA was formed and in 1974 the Clean Water Act was established (or maybe vice versa, this was a long time ago for the ol memory banks). With Lake Erie being so susceptible to pollution because of it's lack of volume of water was double edged, it also made it susceptible to turning around and susceptible to new policy enforcement rather robustly in a short amount of time. In the late 1990's and early 2000's Lake Erie had astonishingly done a reverse 180 degrees. It was clean in a way that local residents never thought that it would be again, and fish populations proved so. It is now and again the number one walleye fishing capital of the world come March and April. Lake Erie perch? Forget about it... Delicsious! And without the fear of PCB's and heavy metal contaminants, at least compared to the 1970's and 1980's when people were afraid to eat out of it. Commercial business including fishing, vacation and tourist areas, and residents in general are thrilled.

I won't even get into the side of the debate dealing with human health levels. Let's just say that cancer is at an all time high which coincides with your attitude of wanting cheaper, more highly processed food, and deregulation of coal mines and steel mills that you speak of. And here's a kicker for you, I am a proud member of USW, the United Steel Workers Union!

Thinking that "environmentally conscious" thinking is absurd and a waste of time, and for "dumb hippies" is one of the biggest scams and spin jobs ever pulled over our eyes. Believeing so is a complete play into big business's want/need for deregulation, and thus would label someone who believes such as a "tool". Birds are smart enough not to poop in their own nest, why aren't we?


I don't think that caring about the planet is just for hippies, I just think that at this point in history, environmentalism has become corrupt and that unfortunately most people are jumping on the bandwagon because it's trendy, and that they're going about it the wrong way.

Take the recent Climate Change Conference in Paris. The media made a huge deal out of that, and everybody jumped on board with it. Any scientists who said they doubted global warming being man-made, whether they're really right or wrong, were labeled as "religious nutcases" on social media. Meanwhile, just a few years ago, my father was doing military work fighting overseas, and he brought a film camera with him to take pictures of some of the attractions on the way. When he got back to Nova Scotia, his camera was full of pictures unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Massive piles of trash, "E-waste" (old cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc.), and there were children picking apart lithium batteries with their bare hands, women taking cadmium and mercury out of cell phones - I've read backed up articles from Canada, America, Britain, Sweden, and I hardly found a single article on this problem. Environmentalism isn't a problem, but first-world environmentalists, who incessantly consume and then send the leftovers to third-world countries, only care about pollution when it's in their own backyard. If they're told that over in Afghanistan children are being exposed to heavy metals every day, the odd one or two might care, but if they're told that here in North America, a coal mine is causing global warming, which could affect them right where they are, assuming that it's real, they'll fully support the mine's closure, if they're attention-seekers they'll post about it on Facebook and Twitter, they'll comment on news articles, they'll make Youtube videos about it, they'll protest against mines until they shut down, they'll write a blog about it because it's trendy - on the latest digital tech that they think they've got to have, which they update every few months so that they can stay on top of the modern stuff - and they'll just toss out their old electronics to be shipped on a garbage barge to some poverty-stricken war-torn country where people will pick out anything salvageable, from lead to broken glass to toxic chemicals just so they can sell it to earn money. Digital tech isn't necessarily bad in moderation, but it's only caused more trouble than it's worth. As for the whole global warming thing, I'm no expert, I can't say whether it's real or a hoax or an impending apocalypse or a lie or whatever, but in my opinion, real or not, it's not nearly as big of a threat as what's on the ground. In the United States the amount of Superfund sites just sitting there right next to communities is overwhelming, and in Canada, despite the country's "green" image it tries to portray to tourists, right down the street from my house there's an old illegal dump about as big as a small pond, including old paint cans and CRT televisions, and nobody is doing anything to remove it all properly. In the neighboring town of Pictou, the water has become a pool of hazardous waste from the old paper mill. When I was a kid, I lived on an army base in Gagetown, New Brunswick, and there weren't any trees in several areas, except for dead ones that had all just mysteriously fallen down back in the sixties and seventies. It turns out that a chemical defoliant called Agent Orange had been sprayed on the base and that it had killed huge patches of trees and had been dumped in areas where my friends and I would play when we were children. If global warming is real, than it's the least of the world's problems, but you'll never hear about Canada's polluted small towns or Afghanistan's trash mountains or Iraq's sewage ponds or the St. Lawrence River being polluted with several tonnes of sewage from Quebec or CFC's being found up in Nunavut or prescription drugs like Prozac being found in Ontario's water supply - because global warming is a popular topic and it makes anyone who agrees that it's real look good, whether they truly care about the planet or whether they're just looking to build up their image online or on the market. It's actually pretty sad that people are so backwards, because if they all focused on more than one issue and actually tried to raise awareness about it, whether it's just a local issue or a worldwide issue, a lot more could be accomplished. I'm not saying that the planet should be polluted on purpose, I'm saying that people should enjoy themselves and try to make a real difference instead of pretending to, because life is too short to spend a bunch of time worrying about climate change up in the sky, when down on the ground it's hardly safe to let a child play outside on their own anymore because of what kinds of things have just been dumped out in the woods or farms or fields for no reason. 

Another problem these days is the way environmentalism is being taught to younger generations. When I started going to high school in grade 10, my global geography class was shown a VHS tape of Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth', which discussed the effects climate change could have on the planet. Sure, there wasn't really anything wrong with the message, if you agree you agree, if not, than no, but after school I looked up the self-righteous Al Gore who my generation was supposed to be idolizing and following. Mr. Gore has a coal-heated huge house, a private jet that pollutes the sky every time it flies, a huge amount of energy-sucking lightbulbs, a heated pool with electric settings, an SUV, and somehow I doubt that this rich guy is taking time to buy organic food or recycle, not when he eats steaks from factory farms and has a dump truck coming by every day to whisk his trash away as if it were never there. Oh yeah, and there's also his habit of drinking bottled water from Nestle, the Nestle that's been draining water from Michigan and processing it to sell to people. How can younger generations take environmentalism seriously when the adults representing the cause are hypocrites and phonies like Al Gore and Drew Barrymore and David Suzuki and Leonardo DiCaprio? These celebrity environmentalists talk big, but they don't practice what they preach and then they try to cover that up. There's no honest role models to teach kids nowadays the importance of helping out the planet. At this point in time, for most people environmentalism is just a money grab and a do-gooder act. 😞
Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City


"I remember this thing called the ozone layer, kids don't learn about an ozone layer anymore, why? It's no longer there. Bet you said that wasn't disappearing as well? I remember getting weekly readers as a kid in grade school saying it was disappearing."

Um, Mike... the Ozone layer isn't gone. It's actually stabilized since the mid-90s.


Is this gonna be a global warming propaganda film?

The film probably would have been a lot more interesting if it was.


Earth Day is a Catholic holiday now? Holy cow, I knew environmentalism was turning into a religion but that is just too weird. 😕

Canada, eh? 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 :)

"The 21st century is all flash but no substance." ~ Smog City
