
We have yet more minorities in inexplicable places, situations and times. Will this industry ever tire of fantasies and lies?


It's utterly ridiculous. If race is so extremely important to these people, why do they treat it with such flippant disregard?



And why don’t they ever film real stories from Africa or use real African folk tales in a fantasy film?

The problem is people of all backgrounds would actually go to theatres to see those stories. And that would destroy their arguments of the big R.

The ones in charge have to falsify history so they can say we are the R word.


Your inability to explain things is not the benchmark for judging them, fortunately.

I guess the movie is for people who were better educated, less ignorant and less fragile than you.


There were NO black people during the Blitz in Great Britain. Never happened. This show is a LIE. And since you have no problem with this that makes you a LIAR.


Of course, there were black people in Europe, including the UK, during the 1930-40s.



There has been affirmative actions long before woke. If they existed they would have trumpeted these stories since the 60s at least.

You know why they do it now? Because the majority of the WW2 generation are now dead. They would never have lied so boldly before because that generation would have stretched their necks fir it.

You are a LIAR pushing a lie snd insulting real people who made real sacrifices to survive.


The black Britons who helped win the Second World War — but also had to fight racism during the Blitz

Black Women in Wartime Britain 1939-45

Black ‘front liners’ and fire service personnel

Tudor England also

Also in other parts of Europe. The man who wrote The Three Musketeers was black as was Alexander Pushkin, the most celebrated Russian poet.

You need to read books.


I read most books on WW2.

Never did they mention Non British people during the Blitz. Never. Because there were none. All these stories now are being pulled out of some liar’s backside to insult British people and the suffering they experienced during WW2. All backed by bogus AI photos.


You clearly don't read. You just gaslight.

Thanks to your racist whining, I have a new movie to watch.


I don’t read newfangled Lies in fake newspaper, Because I’ve been reading the historical documents.

And I’m not of European descent. I have darker skin. I’m not a liar.


You don't read. Period.

You're a gaslighting troll.


And you believe every lie they push in front if you.


You stated that you're not British. Why do you believe you know more about British society, culture and history than the British? Why do you hate black people?


How did you extrapolate disliking lies to disliking a whole group of people? I hate LIES. Especially regarding the historical record.

The British people will soon make comment about this lie just as they did when they tried to turn Anne Boleyn black. Just as Egyptians did when they tried to make Cleopatra black.




Hilarious take. You mean the nation with the largest global empire never imported people from those nations? Starting long before WW1, but especially with that war, huge groups of people from places like the Caribbean, India, South Africa, and through Asia were brought in to help in support roles. There are huge populations in England from these places, and eventually led to race riots in the 70s and on. Among other things, it's the reason Indian food and reggae are popular, the locals living in England.

But put the bag back over your head and pretend it's just before the Civil War.....


No, Open your eyes. They are fabricating fake history. The amount of foreign people in the Uk was negligible. So much so that ANY black person involved would have caused much comment.

There was none because they did not exist.


LOL. Just keep deceiving yourself. I guess anything you don't agree with is 'fake news' bs. By the way, I actually have a history degree, have been studying it most my life. So my eyes are open, and yours must be covered by the maga hat.


You sad little wretch.

Even the Daily Heil... sorry the Daily Mail has the photo of the child evacuee that inspired the movie, chickenshit.



Nope. That picture would have been famous from the getgo because of the child was not caucasian.
And there would have been myriads of stories from the 50s, 60s and 70s. They pushed Ww2 stories on children from the 60s to the 70s. NEVER was it mentioned because it didn’t exist except in the imagination who created an AI picture for a lie and to disenfranchise the experiences of real people.


Prove it fuckface.


You prove it. Never saw this picture before ever. And I’ve seen a lot of WW2 research materials over a lot of years.

Its a lie to push a lying agenda. And you are a LIAR as well.


Shitebag coward.


The one who is cursing is the coward. And you do so, because you KNOW THIS IS A LIE.




The snowflake is the one complaining that I’m pointing out this whole show is a lie.


It's irrelevant what you saw. The universe doesn't revolve around what you saw.


I saw the truth. Now I’m seeing lies and I will point it out.


Link to the books which you read stating no black people in England during the Blitz.


That is your due diligence to research. Go find old history books published BEFORE 2020. Probably need to go back before 1990.

The liars in charge knew they were going to pull this hoax. While they were rapidly "renovating" all old libraries in recent years, they purged all older books.




Wow, a stupid, racist conservative. There's a shocker. It's even better when they try to be condescending and arrogant, but still have no clue what they're talking about. Thanks for the laugh, troll.
