That's not completely true. Agreed, there is some fiction that should be regarded only as an esthetic picture. Like a drawing of a pretty flower - it's just that, a pretty flower. But most artists tend to mirror reality in some way in their works. They most often try to tell us something. In this case, I think the creators wanna tell us that when a woman is in heat men should drop everything and try to satisfy her.
Ok, so the main character was emotinaly unstable - that doesn't justify anything. It's a sexist thing to think, that if a woman is sexualy unsatisfied, emotionaly unstable or whatever it gives her the right to ruin other people's lives. Come on, if a man is sexualy unsatisfied by his wife, it's his fault and his a pervert. *beep* Both men and women have certain needs and both have a responsibility to eachother. Women should not be privileged in this way. Or any way for that matter. They fight for their rights - ok. But no special treatment, no more opening doors for them, no more pulling up the chair!
Now, if we hear this line in any movie: "not today, my head aches" it means two things. First, the man is a horny, unsatisfied pig with no regard for her feelings. Second, the woman is unfullfilled and probably banging the gardner. Which is OK, because we all know, it's not her fault. And the audience should pitty her for having such an egoistic husband. Ahh, sickening, just sickening.