Really DUMB film

Because the dad is such a loser. Wow, that guy is seriously brainless. A complete moron. And the film loses any credibility as a horror film because of him.

Spoiler alert:

There's two golden moments of pig-ignorance from the dad that would shame a piece of wood. First, when he tells the woman who talks about demons to get lost then afterwards sees the pictures of the demon on the wall. Man, what did he say to her to make her come back ? Did he call her and say "im sorry im such a DUMBASS, i am a brainless moron, sorry sorry please come back" ? Thats the film i wanted to see, it would have been more interesting than anything else that followed.

The second moment of shame for the intellectually challenged dad came before he went to the other side. After the old woman very slowly and carefully explained, in clear language avoiding big words, that whatever he did he should not draw any attention to himself with any of the beings on the other side, what's the first thing he does ? Yep, he pushes his face right up to the face of the old lady by the couch and shouts "Hello ! Hello !" Until the poor old dead lady tells him to get lost (or something).

All in all, it totally ruined the film for me. You just cant get over someone that dumb in a film thats not like "dumb and dumber".

Rant over.


It's not quite Case 39 bad, but it's still pretty bad. Literally nothing in this movie made any sense. I didn't watch it with full attention, because I had to do something else whenever they did something so stupid as to defy all logic both in this world and the furthering or whatever it was. I hear talking in my infant daughter's room. I think I will stand here like a dummy and listen to it and not call the police. Then I will run up the stairs after I hear a distinctly male voice and just run into my daughter's room and stand there and not just grab her and run. Then I will open the closet door where a maniac with a knife could be hiding. Jebus and it got dumber after that. Every time there was a noise an intruder could be making they ran toward it no weapons at all either.


...when he tells the woman who talks about demons to get lost then afterwards sees the pictures of the demon on the wall. Man, what did he say to her to make her come back ?

Elise already knew that he had the ability to astral project as a kid, so she had every reason to want to help him.

reply's great u ass


I agree that this is a bad movie. The dad's idiocy is not at all the sole reason I find it bad but it didn't help matters. The demon who looks like Darth Maul was not the least bit scary to me and the "scares" throughout the film are just "jump scares" which aren't truly scary.

I'm glad other people enjoy it but it's just not at all effective for me.

"Your petty vengeance fetish will have to do withOUT Mr. Groin!"


Newstar, I'm going to have to agree with you %100.

"Angels to some, demons to others..... Now you must come with us!"
