Would've been better without Noboru Iguchi co-directing.
The three directors of this film have three very distinct directing styles.
With Tak Sakaguchi and Yoshihiro Nishimura going for practical blood sprays and making cinema heavily influenced by the cyberpunk films of Sogo Ishii, Shozin Fukui, Shin'ya Tsukamoto, and others.
Noboru Iguichi seems only to provide unfunny sex jokes and bad cgi to the film.
The resulting film is 2/3 really quite watchable, and 1/3 totally insufferable.
You can tell which parts of the film were directed by the guys behind Tokyo Gore Police and Yakuza Weapon, and which parts are Noboru 'Robogeisha' Iguchi's fault.
Robogeisha was a heartless, effortless, misguided attempt at making the The Room of Tokyo Splatter, but in deliberately trying to make a bad film he totally missed the point of what 'so bad they're good' films are, and 'so bad it's good' isn't the appeal of Tokyo splatter for most people anyway. Noburo both missed the point of the film he was trying to create, and the young genre he was trying to emulate.
Of the scenes and characters in Mutant Girl Suqad it's easy to tell which ones were directly the result of Noboru Iguchi's input, and i really believe the film would have been infinitely better off without it.
The film wasn't TOTALLY awful, but it could have been much better. There were flashes of heart that got lost in a sea of self-aware Noboru Iguchi CGI and butthole jokes.