MovieChat Forums > Sleeping Beauty (2011) Discussion > Could you date/marry an actor/actress?

Could you date/marry an actor/actress?

I thought of that during this. What if this were my wife. I couldn't handle her being nude on film, kissing men, doing love scenes. That's just a boundary that I don't want crossed in a relationship even if it is just "her job". For that reason I don't think I could ever stay with an actress. Do you guys think you'd not mind it? The money part would be nice.



Interesting topic, that is off topic. I think that I would not have a problem with it. But, I understand that if a person had a family to appease or a social appearance to keep up then it wouldn't be practical. I'm lucky enough to not have any living family that would object to any lifestyle I choose or my spouse's. Nor do I have a public appearance I need worry about. In that way I am free to do "whatever." Although I am very understanding of people who are constrained to certain morals/lifestyles for appearance sake.


Hmmm, you seem to come at this with a strong angle of "doing things for appearances", "one must keep up their good appearances for the family". That is one way to look at it. I meant it more from the deeply personal angle that this would be my spouse and her being naked is private thing between her and I. Kissing her is an intimate thing I do with her as her husband. Her doing a love scene and taking off her clothes for 20 million people to watch and her doing some love scene with another man for her job would offend me as a husband. I wouldn't consider it being faithful. For that reason I don't believe I would have ever been able to marry an actress because of what she'd end up doing for her job.


I have a better understanding of your point of view. When you say you would never be able to marry an actress, does that mean you would okay with dating one? There are many actresses that will not do nudity or sex scenes, it depends on their morals or how comfortable they are. Of course their are many directors that tend to cast their wives in films that require nudity. Rob Zombie casting his wife Sheri Moon in many nude scenes, is an example that comes to mind. While you, and many others, feel that kind of intimacy is for the bedroom only. Some husbands, I suppose, like showing off how lovely their wives are. Completely opposite views.


Well, this is all hypothetical of course since I am already married. "Does that mean you would be okay with dating one?" I suppose in theory, if I were single and I met an attractive actress and we got along that it would be fun for a bit dating each other............but if we kept dating and I started developing strong feelings for her that's when things start to get in trouble. At that point we'd have to split up because I wouldn't be able to go any could never get real serious.


If you chose to date / marry an actress, that's something you have to tolerate. You can't limit her career as she's not the one in control of the script. I think the more concerning issue will be her work schedule, considering that she may have to shoot overnight or abroad for weeks at a time, she's not going to be home much, and even if she does, it won't be one public holidays. So are you okay with a wife who can stay home at only 2-3 months a year?

Classics are names that everyone heard, yet most have never seen!!


Yes, that is another reason I could never be in a serious relationship with an actress. Everything about their career is set up to destroy a committed relationship.


So you thought of that watching THIS movie? Who are you afraid your actress/girlfriend is going to leave you for--the fat, middle-age bald guy or the really old guy with the microscopic unit?

I think I could date an actress as long as she wasn't a porn actress. I've been on a crew when they were filming nude/sex scenes. It isn't very erotic for anyone involved.


Those are relationship boundaries. You don't kiss other men, you don't undress for other men. It is part of being intimate and exclusive with each other.
Movies bring up a scenario where actresses touch other men, kiss them, have simulated sex scenes, pose nude but since it is "pretend" it isn't supposed to matter. So my question was along those grounds. As I mentioned already above I wouldn't do as it would violate intimacy barriers between us and I wouldn't consider it being faithful.

I think you miss the point. "Who would she leave you for, the fat guy", that is totally not the point. Her having feelings for someone in the scenes isn't the point it is that one's wife would be posing nude and kissing touching other men to begin with (or someone's husband having sex scenes with girls for the women reading) which would be crossing boundary lines in my marriage. How she felt about the co-star wouldn't matter to me. The fact that she kissed them and touched each other would be a violation, it would end the marriage and why I've said I couldn't stay in a long term relationship with someone in this field. You focus on how she feels which isn't the point. It is how I would feel. Being in an intimate, monogamous, exclusive relationship with someone does not allow for them to pose nude, make out, kiss other men. Whether she were just pretending or not would be irrelevant.

So, to you, as long as she didn't enjoy, or have feeling for the other co-stars than it would be ok for you? Not everyone has the same boundaries, I guess as long as it was only pretend you would be ok with your "wife" kissing, undressing and doing simulated sex scenes with men? It is interesting how different people have different relationship boundaries. I've read how Charlie Sheen seems to date only porn stars and he tries to get his girlfriends into Playboy. Everyone has different boundaries in their relationships.


I wouldn't have a problem with it. My girlfriend has another boyfriend. He's a good guy. The three of us have had lunch together (Chili's in Dallas). If I'm OK with her being in an actual other relationship, anything she does on camera "for the job" is going to be pretty easy to deal with.

I disagree with you, but I'm pretty sure you're not Hitler.
- Jon Stewart


I understand your boundaries in general, and I would "have a problem with it" too. I think most people would like their partner to have only them as lovers ever, we're a possessive species.

However if she was an amazing woman otherwise, I could deal. She might be nude in front of others and kiss other men or women, but she's only sleeping with me.

I've never been with an actress but I've been with what you could call a nymphomaniac girl, so way worse, since she was really sleeping around. It was a destructive behavior so at some point I had to stop the relationship, but I still loved her while knowing what was happening, witnessing it even. Love can be a strange thing.



100% no way.
