what a great film this is

hard to say best ive seen in a year, cause it is hard to judge movies of different genres, but this one is one of the top 5 of the last year for sure.

A very unique, funny, and deeply emotional film.

its not some weird artsy indy film, it has a coherent story, it doesnt leave it to your imagination.

great film with great performances by all.


I agree with you. I was surprised at how multi-layered the film was, actually. I didn't see the ending coming at all. I thought it was going to be some quirky comedy (and it definitely had those elements) but it had a lot going on in those 83 minutes.

And I really liked Jeff. It would have been easy to paint him as a loser with no job, no prospects etc. but it wasn't one-dimensional like that.


I'd agree - "funny, and deeply emotional." It has a great heart, the writing is terrific, the camera work is excellent and the acting is fantastic. Also the sound is great (sound is so important). Everyone who loves this film should definitely see "Cyrus," the Duplass's previous film, starring John C. Reilly, Marisa Tomei and Jonah Hill.
