MovieChat Forums > Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012) Discussion > Just hanging out under water for 20+ min...

Just hanging out under water for 20+ minutes, waiting to be saved...

Let me get this straight: the brothers arrive at a traffic jam, which judging by its length is at least 10 minutes along. Then they sit there chatting for another 5 minutes. Then another 5 minutes pass until he sees the helicopter. Then he runs for a while before jumping in the water. All the while, a rescue helicopter and the coast guard have been called. In the meantime, the victims themselves have somehow acquired super-human lungs which enables them to breathe underwater for at least 20+ minutes, just sitting there waiting for the hero to save them?

I actually liked this movie up until this very lame, implausible ending.



The windows were up in the car. The girl said at the end that the man broke the window. It takes some time to fill a car with water when the windows are closed.

I wouldn't call it a very lame ending.


Even if they were just trapped with air for that long, it seems highly unlikely no one else wouldn't have jumped in - there wasn't even a crowd looking over the edge.... the whole ending was a bit bizarre.


Most people were backed up in traffic, so the ones who actually knew what was going on would be at the very front. Also you say that other people would have helped but I don't think you realize how you or anyone else would react in that situation. Jumping off a forty foot bridges into a river and swimming down to break open a car window isn't easy.

I'm just unsure as to whether or not he would be able to break a window underwater. I feel like that would require a lot of force which would be difficult to conjure up.


That isn't true. There have been a lot of studies on this aspect of group mentality. When there are multiple people witnessing someone in need, the chance of nobody helping soars markedly.




we can assume that they had their face up at the area without the water in it waiting for save.
we can also assume a window was a bit open, just enough to put the fingers inside and pull it out, anyway breaking window of a car is extremely hard, at least underwater, because its a kinda armored glass.

i find it very plausible.

i just thought that the father is an ass hole for not going back to help the guy(Jeff) who is drowning because he saved the father's life.


This is just one of many, many unbelievable contrivances that this film is littered with. From beginning to end, it's just one ridiculous contrivance after the other. The acting was top notch, though. Made it watchable.


I mean the contrivances thing is kind of the point. There are so many coincidences because it's 'destiny' according to Jeff. Random stuff happens for a reason

Son, that's not a rainbow, that's just the light reflecting of some baboon's waxed ass.


Yeah. Of course, the coincidences were part of 'the point', but it was often far too much to ask. It seeemed to be feeding us the notion that Jeff was the master of the universe and literally everything that happens in life is due to Jeff's idiotic 'beliefs'.


Seemed a bit much to me, especially since a smoker who has just run a long distance is not likely to have the lung capacity to hang out below water very long.

But mostly I'm here just to point out that Jeff's hand was bandaged in the scene after the rescue. Evidence of having punched in the window.


So... Did you see the bit where the car falls into the water? Could the car have been hanging over the edge for those precious minutes?

Think about it.


There is NO way it took the police that long to get to the crash. No matter when the car fell in the water.

The time line of the ending was completely screwed up. But it can be overlooked.

Now might be a good time for something heroic.!/BtVSfan96


We do not know when the car went into the water. We do not even know if the car going into the water caused the traffice jam - in fact it seems unlikely it was the cause.
All we know is that someone went into the back of their car and shunted them over the edge. That, to me, sounds like they had braked suddenly to avoid something - perhaps whatever caused the jam in the first place.
If this is right the car could have gone over after the jam started. I do think the car had probably been in the water a little while, but we also know it wasn't fully submerged until after Jeff jumps in so they could have still had air to breathe.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
