MovieChat Forums > Jeff, Who Lives at Home (2012) Discussion > I'm a 29-Year-Old Who Lives At Home...

I'm a 29-Year-Old Who Lives At Home...

Not to be self-indulgent, but, is this really that unusual?

I wouldn't call myself a slacker at all--I've been employed by the same company for almost eight years--but I live at home, sharing a bedroom with my 24-year-old brother.

Just kinda seems like the movie's premise makes this whole thing out to be "odd" or dysfunctional.


In many cultures it perfectly acceptable for multiple generations to live in the same dwelling. Its a different way of life where everyone who is able contributes to the house hold. Including income.

It was like that in the US until the mid 1900s when the concept of the nuclear family came about. Everyone had to have their own home with a picket fence and 2.7 children. Eventually society decided that something was wrong with people who didn't go out on their own, get a job, buy a house, get married, and pump out a couple of kids. You could also afford a home, a car, kids, and a few extras with only one income back then.

Its really not surprising to see young adults living at home into their late 20s these days, especially with the economy the way it is. I have no problem with so long as you are not a free loader.



Not really unusual, it's just girls go wild for guys who are independent and you are far more likely to have a lasting relationship if you show qualities that make you a self-sufficient man. Anyone can pay all-inclusive monthly rent and help with chores, but not everyone can fully let go and live away from the comfort, advice and reassurance of your mum and dad. Stop making your parents your anchor and make way for a new one.


What if you expected to get a death sentence for your life participation, but they don't tell you why your not able to get your death sentence for it, when they cancel it's availability, like they untold all children about your sex since first grade?

That's like cool to live at hope beyond reason right? Because of that reason?

respiratory enlightenment -> ****ing vigorously


Yes it's unusual.

Im 25 now, and i moved into my first own appartment when i was 19. i couldn't stand my parents snooping in my buisness, and i wanted to have my own apartment so i could break lose. And i tell you. From where i am from..It is a BIG turn of to live at home.
I guess i had about 15-25 close friends, and about 50 classfriends or drunkbuddys in my growing up years.

Nobody that i know or knew of lived at home at that age of 20 to 30. If they lived at home it was because they had broken up with a girl, or they were waiting on a place. And that it also what i think. it's okay for a short time, if you can't live elsewhere.


It depends on several factors. The culture, the cost of living in the area, and the family dynamic. For instance in Spain it's common for people to live at their rents until their mid 30s. In America it's common for kids to leave at 18 and never come back.

Just curious if OP actually moved house? I understand it was 8 years ago when they wrote that post, but you never know they could still be around!
