MovieChat Forums > American Ninja Warrior (2009) Discussion > Did Isaac Caldeiro run this year?

Did Isaac Caldeiro run this year?

I'm not sure? I can't find anything everytime I Google it, so did Isaac run this year. And if he did did he complete it.


To my knowledge, he hasn't run yet. I haven't watched every minute of every episode but I know that if Isaac were running on a particular one, they'd hype it to the heavens and back. Whichever episode it does happen on, I'd be shocked if he doesn't get the very last run of the day.


We're done with the qualifiers, and he didn't run. In fact, he was barely mentioned. I'm guessing that since they already gave him one million dollars, he is no longer eligible to compete.


Wow, that seems harsh to not even allow him to run. Maybe HE chose not to run because anything less than another victory would be a huge letdown for him.


I doubt it since the Japanese version has had the same dude win more than once. And, what a story that would make!


Maybe they don't want to keep paying Caldeiro a million bucks every year. I don't think Japan's Sasuke winners get a million bucks (in the yen equivalent).

M is fearless, she's the original honey badger, she doesn't give a sh!t! - Nekojita


The only mention of him was a contest they have where u can win cash and train with him


Maybe he gets to go straight to Vegas?


He chose not to compete. Supposedly, he made a statement on one of the Wolfpack podcasts as to why if anyone really cares.


Can you summarise his reasons here, saves us trouble and time.


I would imagine because he won, there's nothing else to accomplish. He can let Geoff or Joe Morovsky win this year :)

Also, I noticed that 'Mr Consistency' Paul Kasemir seems to have not competed either. Was he injured or did he get a little angry they chose to almost never show his runs?

Edit: Dustin McKinney too. He was really good for a tiny dude. Surprised I didn't see him.

I know there's about 4 people (JJ Woods, Abel Gonzales, San Samm, a couple others) that were shockingly eliminated early, but I don't recall ever seeing Paul or Dustin.


I think Dustin McKinney might be doing his Naval tour. He mentioned something about it last year how it was the last time he can do it for a while.



What city did Paul run in? I must have missed that.



Sorry, I do not know his reason, but I read elsewhere online that he chose not to compete, which then referred to the Wolfpack podcasts where he supposedly talked about why he was sitting out.
