MovieChat Forums > American Ninja Warrior (2009) Discussion > Does anyone still care about ANW after s...

Does anyone still care about ANW after such a long break?

I wasn't as into it this year as I was last year but I was hanging in. But now with this long break for the Olympics, it's going to be even harder for me to get back into the swing of it. I'll still watch but it's going to take a minute for me to remember who all is actually competing.

One good thing about the break (for me, at least): Iseman and Akbar being blessedly silent for about 3 weeks.



But I am not a fan of giving all the wildcards (again) to women just because they are women.

They've gotta stop that sh!t.

What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?


Agree about the wildcards. If the person doesn't earn it on merit, they shouldn't get it because of genitalia. I know the show loves the idea of making history but if I were one of those women, I'd feel like I was just a token to try to meet a quota.


The game shows were investigated back in the 1950's for this sort of behavior.


I stopped watching after a couple city finals. Part of it is the show lost some intrigue when two people won last year (I don't care what the show says, Britton deserved something for his achievement). Mostly I stopped watching because it has turned completely into spectacle. I don't care about most of the backstories and I can't stand the constant promotion of some people over others. Football is almost here so it doesn't really matter. Or maybe I'll get into CrossFit games or Spartan Race.


I enjoyed "Spartan" and I've also seen another competition show for college teams that's called something like "Battlefrog" or "Bullfrog". I only caught part of one episode but it was an obstacle course format with teams of 4 or 5 basically doing a relay (each person would do a few obstacles and then tag the next person in line, who'd do some different obstacles and so on until the finish line). It was very fast-paced and enjoyable to watch. I don't know if it was just a one-time thing or not but I need to check to see if there will be more of them.


I still care.


I watched the Philly Finals last night (August 22nd) and...

was completely underwhelmed. Since none of them even finished the course, to have one of them potentially win a million dollars in Las Vegas seems like a real letdown. I know they want more "winners" to justify airing this show every year but I really wish that they'd come up with a rule that the only people who could even vie for the ANW title and that massive prize money were ones who actually FINISHED a finals course and not just got far enough fast enough. I'm probably in the minority on this but if the crux of this competition/show is for someone to be THE best, that person should have to complete each and every obstacle along the way and not just be 1/100th of a second faster than someone else who also didn't finish.


But then, every City Qualifying course and every City Finals one should be the same? If not, people with "harder" courses will be at a disadvantage.

Top 15 who goes the furthest the fastest allows for more variation in the courses as top people are not penalized for impossible courses.


Yea, agreed. Didn't they actually make Rolling Thunder easier? I could have sworn the plexiglass panel actually took up the entire slot in the spoke in the qualifier. I haven't been as into it this year due to the Olympic break and just other stuff going on in my life. I can't sit down and commit 2 hours to watch these qualifying runs when, if you take out commercial time and backstory, there is really only 30 minutes *maybe* of actual show. Not to mention the poor guys who qualify top 5 and don't even make the cut for television. You really need a dvr to watch this show in its current format. I'll be more into it next week when they finally go to Vegas. It is WAY too stretched out for me to follow it all summer long, even with the reruns all the time on Esquire.


Last night's ratings tied the season high in the key demographic. So it seems like some people still care.



It does seem really lame after watching real sports every night for 2 weeks.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain
