Heck Yeah, Jessie Graf!

She was amazing tonight. Not only was she the first female warrior to finish stage 1 - but she had the 4th fastest time! I was on my feet cheering!

New Buffy Blog:http://oncemorewithextremeprejudice.blogspot.com/


Was just about to make a thread about her. I was cheering as well.


My wife cheered and yelled *beep* outta here Kacy!!"

Hopefully this is the beginning of the end of her.

What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?


She was awesome! It was great seeing her face light up once she got past the warped wall, and especially on the last obstacle, when she realized that she was really going to be able to finish.



and her body is hot as hell!!!!

you couldn't stop there could you?




Simply amazing! What an athlete she is. So happy for her. Can't imagine the hard work it takes to be in that kind of shape. You go girl!



That was the easiest stage 1 I have ever seen. I've been watching since Season 1. It's clear they set up the course to her strengths. It's sad how desperate they are to get female viewers.


...??? Most of the obstacles were the same as in the last few years (Propeller bar, Sonic Curve, Jumping Spider, Warped Wall) and the others were similar to last year (the Flying Squirrel was similar to the bar swing from last year, the Silk Slider was similar to the Log Drop). What exactly makes you say this was the 'easiest'?




Ask Travis Rosen, Ian Dory, and Kevin Bull what they think about this year's Stage 1.

The course is definitely a serious test of strength and stamina... but those 3 guys all went out early, on the least difficult obstacles!

Kevin Bull couldn't handle the Giant Log Grip? Whaaaaaat?

And Ian Dory shockingly went out on just the second obstacle, the propeller. WTF?

And Travis Rosen went down on the Snake Run... the very first obstacle. Ridiculous.

"Finishing" the course might be the hardest challenge ever.
But those guys just lost their focus for no particular reason.


Exactly. Mental mistakes were the only reason they failed. Graff won't get past Stage 2. The best woman athlete will never be better than the best male athlete. Unfortunately that's how it is. But women to me are smarter overall then men.


I agree with you that Jessie probably will not make it past stage 2, but still think your claim that it was the easiest stage 1 ever and especially that they tailored it to her (when all the obstacles are either the same or similar as in years past) is completely ridiculous. Give the girl her due.


Assuming Stage 2 is similar to last year (they've never done a real major overhaul of any stage, with stage 2 probably being the least tweaked one of all 3. They always just tweak them), she's certainly capable of doing it.

It's more of a mental game, the vast majority of people messed it up by either not planning through the rope jungle well enough and losing too much time, or by not committing on the giant spin cycle.

And as we all know, Jessie is not only good, she's a smart cookie.


That's a good point - she was one of the only ones to learn from other's mistakes on the city finals course, and her run in Stage 1 was pretty flawless. I'll definitely be rooting for her!


If women were smarter then they would have all the power and would be ruling the world.


That was the easiest stage 1 I have ever seen. I've been watching since Season 1. It's clear they set up the course to her strengths. It's sad how desperate they are to get female viewers.

2016 Season so far(ranked by time remaining on the clock):

1 Thomas Stillings 00:27.6
2 Daniel Gil 00:15.0
3 Brian Arnold 00:14.1
4 Jessie Graff 00:12.4
5 Chris Wilczewski 00:08.2
6 Grant McCartney 00:04.8
7 Flip Rodriguez 00:04.8
8 Michael Torres 00:00.1

2015 Season (ranked by time remaining on the clock):
1 Brent Steffensen 00:51.1
2 Jake Murray 00:50.2
3 Kevin Bull 00:49.7
4 Drew Drechsel 00:40.6
5 Daniel Gil 00:38.4
6 Joe Moravsky 00:35.3
7 Jeremiah Morgan 00:33.8
8 JJ Woods 00:32.6
9 Mike Meyers 00:29.7
10 Flip Rodriguez 00:28.9
11 Dan Yager 00:27.5
12 Travis Rosen 00:25.9
13 Geoff Britten 00:24.7
14 Lance Pekus 00:23.7
15 Brian Arnold 00:22.9
16 Neil Craver 00:22.8
17 Jo Jo Bynum 00:22.8
18 Sean Clayton 00:21.6
19 Isaac Caldiero 00:20.7
20 Jason Williams 00:20.2
21 Karson Voiles 00:18.5
22 Mike Bernardo 00:18.1
23 Thomas Stillings 00:17.0
24 Brian Wilczewski 00:16.4
25 Abel Gonzalez 00:15.5
26 Ryan Stratis 00:14.8
27 Jamie Rahn 00:12.8
28 Anthony Scott 00:10.9
29 Brandon Mears 00:10.5
30 Grant McCartney 00:09.6
31 Dustin McKinney 00:07.5
32 Ian Dory 00:05.9
33 Nathan Tucker 00:04.7
34 Kevin Klein 00:04.6
35 Tremayne Dortch 00:02.0
36 Pavel Fesyuk 00:01.0
37 David Yarter 00:00.5
38 Dustin Rocho 00:00.5

Yes, I am sure you are right ANW came up with a "easy course" that Jesse Graff would succeed while eliminating other male competitors that were successful previously and slowing down the top male finishers as a whole.


It wasn't much different from last year's stage one. And fewer people finished, so it was not easier.


Everything is easier when you're free to sit on your ass and judge from the couch. Only 17 finishers this season and a ton of favorites got eliminated. No way can anyone say this was easier.


You're barking mad. That course is *not* easy by any standard. Most people (including myself) wouldn't get three feet on it. Esquire was running a bunch of the original Sasuke this last weekend. Some of those early stage 1s were pretty easy by comparison with the current American run, but even those were not so easy that the average Joe could finish them.


I'd lick the sweat off her abs.


The girl is great. She'll win it all.
