Please Akbar, shut up!

I love the show.
I love the athleticism on display.
I love seeing the struggle and the fight.
I love most everything, but...

Akbar, man, you gotta stop. You are ruining the experience. You puns are not funny, your commentary is barely insightful. They just make me roll my eyes and make me embarrassed to be watching with others, for fear that they would think that I think it is funny.

A plumber is running, Akbar would make a "flushing" joke.
A truck driver is running, Akbar would make a "out of gas" joke.
An astronaut is running, Akbar would make a "falling from orbit" joke.
I say joke, but they aren't.

A few shows ago, there was a guy running, whose wife recently had a baby. Akbar actually said that she "pushed a baby out a while back, so you can push yourself here!"

Please, just shut up.

I hate IMDB's Signature policy...



I was the same way. He was so annoying. He hasn't changed and his comments are weird and awkward. Now it's just funny to me. The stupid crap he says makes me laugh.


The only thing he says is:
1. "Keep those L's"
2. "It's about to go down."
3. Cheesy puns like, "Britten's got talent!"

The show would be much better without his "insight".


4. "I see you (name of contestant)!"

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters


Don't forget "Sha Na Na"

I've expressed my displeasure with Akbar's stupidity, and he has done nothing to change that.

He has about as much brains in his head as he has hair on it...


Akbar is a God. His commentary is legendary.


His commentary is as terrible as his NFL career.


What about "Finding Dory"
