Please Akbar, shut up!
I love the show.
I love the athleticism on display.
I love seeing the struggle and the fight.
I love most everything, but...
Akbar, man, you gotta stop. You are ruining the experience. You puns are not funny, your commentary is barely insightful. They just make me roll my eyes and make me embarrassed to be watching with others, for fear that they would think that I think it is funny.
A plumber is running, Akbar would make a "flushing" joke.
A truck driver is running, Akbar would make a "out of gas" joke.
An astronaut is running, Akbar would make a "falling from orbit" joke.
I say joke, but they aren't.
A few shows ago, there was a guy running, whose wife recently had a baby. Akbar actually said that she "pushed a baby out a while back, so you can push yourself here!"
Please, just shut up.
I hate IMDB's Signature policy...