The Esquire network has been running marathons of the Japanese "Ninja Warrior" and some of those obstacles look harder than on the American version. In an episode that was all women, the contestants only had a very short time to finish the course and nobody did it, even a woman who'd won the whole thing 3 or 4 times! I've only watched a couple of the episodes so maybe they're all timed like that.
The funniest thing I saw was a man at the start who took off his shirt and started taking off his white pants but as he was doing that, the starting bell sounded but the bottoms of his pant legs simply would not slip down over his shoes. He tried for what seemed like an eternity to remove his pants, which were now in a heap on the ground but still firmly attached to his shoes. He finally gave up on that and tried to do their version of the floating steps... with his pants preventing him from moving his feet more than a few inches apart! Needless to say, he was spectacularly unsuccessful! When he finally swam over to the side and got out, his pants were still attached to his shoes. He joined in with the laughter of the crowd because what else could he do? I bet he'll forget about the pants next time and just go with the shorts.