Early 2017 Picks

If you had to pick 3 male and 3 female warriors who will do well in 2017, who would you hope (or think), it would be:


Grant McCartney - I think he'll do better next year
Joe Moravsky - He'll return to the finals and beyond
Daniel Gil - He'll once again challenge for the end.


Jessie Graff - She's always pushing herself to go further
Meagan Martin - She'll become only the second woman to qualify for Stage 2
Jesse Labreck - I like her chances as well.

If you're not taking any steps forward, you're not moving at all.


What you said except replace Grant with any number of people.





I like Grant but he's just too big to go any further than stage 3.

What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?


I think 2017 is Ian Dory's year to go all the way, with Jamie Rahn making a strong push too. If David Campbell can ever make it to stage 2 he might make some noise.


Well, my predictions (conveniently, on a thread that has been deleted) were:
Prediction on winner: Ian Dory, Joe Morovsky, Geoff Britten, or Drew Dreshel would win it all.

Results: Ian Dory and Geoff went out before the 3rd obstacle on stage 1. Never thought that in a million years. Joe went out stage 2. Drew could've easily won it all without one tiny mistake on that sadistic stage 3 that he made look EASY as pie.

Next Year Prediction: Same as this year, although, Geoff says he's not going to compete. We'll see about that. I find it hard to believe he could end his career bombing out on the first obstacle. Yes, he can always hang his hat on being the first person to hit that buzzer, but still...

Prediction for women for this year: 3 Women would qualify for vegas. 1 would get to Stage 2, which I said would be Jessie. Kacy would fail miserably, get a wildcard, fail miserably in stage 1.

Results: 3 women qualified for Vegas, although to be fair, not the three I thought. Jessie did, in fact, make it to stage 2. Kacy still sucks.

Next Year Prediction: 5 women will qualify for vegas. Kacy will boldly try again and fail miserably. Here's hoping NBC stops giving out all the wildcards to women. But, I'm not holding my breath on that. 2 will make stage 2.
