MovieChat Forums > Maleficent (2014) Discussion > Why put Mutalation in a Disney movie?

Why put Mutalation in a Disney movie?

Is this something for small kids to see? I could hardly watch it myself.


They had to do something to show why she became so angry while making the audience still like her. What do you suggest?


It's heart breaking to watch because it's so well acted. It gets to me too but it should get to you. Sometimes scenes need to be painful to watch.

Disney has had mutilations before. Hook's hand was cut off by Peter Pan (even if it was off camera we're told he did it). The Bandersnatch in Alice in Wonderland lost an eye (but got it back). Kovu gets scarred in Lion King 2. A bunch of little boys get turned into donkeys and lose their power of speech while crying out for their mothers in Pinocchio, In pirates of the Caribbean there's a man missing his tongue and another missing an eye. In Hocus Pocus there is a man who obviously died horribly after his mouth was sewn shut. And there's lots of death in Disney too.

But Disney isn't the only thing with mutilation. How to Train your Dragon has a boy who loses the lower half of his leg.
