the horns n her head

Horns are always viewed an appendage of a demonic or evil being they should have had the horns be a sign of her change from a sweet protector to a vengeful wrathful being

so they should have had the horns appear after she was betrayed


Horn became associated with the devil due to the church demonising pagan deities.
The horns just represent the wild, the natural world, which Maleficent the fairy is a part of.


that is Irrelevant whats relevant is that in modern times Horns are most associated with demonic beings or beings of darkness therefore they should have used the horns as a sign of her change in personality instead of her clothing becoming black


correction: horns are most associated by a small fraction of the population that is overly religiuosly zealous in a one, small, religion.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.





Actually, when you are creating visual effects for a fantasy myth you need to take inspiration from every source you can. Just because one religion sees horns as demonic does not mean the rest of the world does.

Certainly adding the Horns at a later date would have been a huge mistake both visually and in keeping with the character.


Horn became associated with the devil due to the church demonising pagan deities.

I love how the Christian church gets blamed for all sorts of things that aren't even in the Bible.
Wherever the idea of the horns, pointy tail, red suit and pitchfork came from, it certainly wasn't from Scripture.



Poor Christians.


That's OK SeemsSensible.

We can take it. Rather amused by it to tell you the truth.😀


The point of the movie is partly to turn stereotypes on their heads- we have an image if horns as demonic and Maleficent is usually shown as the evil fairy.
This film gives us another side.


Since the horns are the only way we can recognize that the child in the first scenes is Maleficent, they had to be there from the beginning.

“Seventy-seven courses and a regicide, never a wedding like it!


Then I suppose you have a problem with cattle, goats, and rhinos. And what about those evil Unicorns? Some Egyptian and Mythological Gods have horns and they are not actually viewed as evil either.

Only people with religious views that include the Devil can actually relate horns with evil. And what about those horns on Moses for the Michelangelo sculpture? Many view them as being on Moses because he was in the presence of God (where the horns represent power and strength).



Actually i saw the horns as a part of her wild nature; she is a faerie and needs to protect not only herself, but the other fae folk in the moors. She was their leader even as a small child. In the battle with king henry you can easily see her using her horns in self defense against the soldiers. Her horns arent a symbol of good or evil; they're for self preservation.


Someone posted an alleged first script just before the film was released which gave an explanation for the horns. This first script included more of Maleficent's childhood and had her aunt and uncle played by Miranda Richardson and Peter Capaldi. They were the rulers of the Moors as King and Queen. However, Queen Ulla punished Maleficent with horns like cattle for her disobedience or rebellious nature (can't remember too well). She sentenced Maleficent to look like this for 100 years. However, the horns fell off a few years later, and Maleficent took this to mean that her aunt had died. However, when she turns evil, Maleficent wears the horns as a headress instead of being a part of her. In the end, she drops the headress into the forest when she takes down the wall of thorns.


The Egyptian Goddess Hathor had horns. I don't think that horns are necessarily evil by themselves.


I like this definition: Horns are an animal's weapon, so it follows that as a symbol they function as representing strength and aggressiveness. They are also the power and dignity of the divinity, and horned gods usually represent warriors and lords of ANIMALS. Horns represent salvation and immortality as well, as the horn is extremely durable.
