MovieChat Forums > Shameless (2011) Discussion > It's even worse than I thought

It's even worse than I thought

After not watching the new season due to how unbearable last season was, I decided to give it a shot last night. It's significantly worse than last season. This show went tragically downhill. Even worse than the downfall of the show Weeds. And I didn't think that would be possible. Shameless used to be such a good show. I used to look forward to every episode. Now I can barely make it through one episode. The scattered and senseless storylines, the horrendously bad writing, and SJW themes is what ruined this show. The series should seriously just be cancelled to spare any further cringe worthy embarrassment.


Not watching after the final
Fiona episode, and I’m only doing that because I came in for the long haul.


When do you feel like Weeds really jumped the shark? I’m curious because I don’t think I much cared for it after they left agrestic.


When Nancy and her family left the suburbs is when the show began to go downhill. Even though season 4 was outside of the suburbs, I still thought it was at least slightly watchable. But after season 4, the show continued to decline. The last season was particularly awful. In fact, I can't even wrap my mind around what the writer of the series was thinking. It was such a shame how Weeds ended the way it did. From my perspective, season 1 through 3 are the only seasons worth watching. Watching season 4 isn't exactly necessary, but I would say it's at least the most logical ending-point in the series, compared to any of the other seasons after that.

But Shameless has went into an unprecedented goofy and downright cringe-worthy direction.


I never thought I would give up Shameless, but I did after last season. I never even attempted to watch this season and I am glad I didn't after reading about how bad it was.


This season was much better than last


Yes, it was; but it’s still time to drive a wooden stake through its heart.

Is there ANY series that went beyond seven seasons that was worth watching? The Simpsons and The Walking Dead, sight unseen, deserve at least Dante’s 8th Circle of Hell. Also, Supercraptual.

The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on.


Supernatural has been around twice that amount, so I'm not sure if it's a fair comparison. Did you like seasons 1 through 8?

Has The Walking Dead been on that long? I could barely stomach the first season of that trash.

But to answer your question, no, I can't think of any. But there are many shows that went for 5 seasons that should have ended sooner.


Goodness, yes, Tyalt, there are many series better served by fewer than 5 seasons. The Simpsons would be one. Art, working out and dating have at least one thing in common: stop doing it while you still want more. Then you will come back tomorrow!

Zombies have never interested me at all, so I can’t answer the rest of your question.

I agree that this season of Shameless was better than the previous one. Carl got his girlfriend back.


I'm referring to shows that ended at season 5 when they should have ended at 3.

But, yes, Simpsons, Family Guy, and South Park should have all ended long ago.




The fourth season of Shameless was the best. The finale of season 4 would have been a great way to end it. Season 5 was noticeably worse and then it just all fell apart. Some of the stories were just so stupid. I just couldn't watch anymore after last season. The whole Ian story was stupid beyond words. I heard that storyline got even worse last season.


I watched the first episode of season 1 and found it so unpleasant that I took it off my watch list. It's about a squalid house full of trashy people. I felt like I needed a shower after spending an hour in that world.


Really, you thought season 1 was bad? That was considered one of the prime seasons of this series. It's the episode that started it all. But hey, I guess the show isn't for everyone.

You may have a point. Cause honestly, my perspective back in 2011 was radically different. I was much younger for starters. My friends and I used to get hammered drunk and watch this show. At the time, it seemed entertaining and funny. It was such a new and refreshing series for Showtime. But if I had to watch the series all over again, I doubt I could do it. With time and as I matured, the show did eventually lose its spark with me.
