*beep* gets worse, they still sleep in their beds
Ok..First of all, this movie was lousy but at the moments it really scared the crap out of me..The father's ashes scene was really sick, not to mention the last scene..What I don't understand is this...So ok, they're getting harassed every night and it gets worse..The sister gets scared *beep* almost EVERY NIGHT in her room, but hey , it's ok, she'll got to sleep in her bed AGAIN, no problems, even when the demon hides the camera, and she screams a lot...If that happened to me, I would get my family in a large bed and we would sleep in shifts, so 2 of them are always awake, and the tv or the light would be on...A lot of easier to handle stuff then, but NOOO, sister *beep* dies almost every night, but she goes back to that goth-ass creepy room..Why? And why the hell did Thomas stay alone? Wanna be a hero? I thought it was pretty lousy that they waited 20 days to do something about it, and then the broke-ass medium gets there finally. Why not call the priest the first day? To bless your house or something, or I don't know, MOVE TO A CHURCH, sleep there! The priest would help out, and I doubt it the demon would disturb them there...
In the conclusion of my "haters gonna hate" post, they had it coming. They were too lethargic to do anything besides filming......In a way a scarier but lousier PA...