All things considered...
I just couldn't give this any credit. The acting was reasonable, but the script was weak, the dialogue bordered on laughable, and the set was barren. I didn't believe for a second that a family lived there, or that the house had been standing long enough to be a home. It looked like a half heartedly painted showroom.
The scene with the mother just agreeing to pack up and leave Thomas behind was cringeworthy. And I like suspense, but these long silent shots were just tedious, I actually did nod off a few times. Plus, despite being a PA knock off (come on, even staggering around the house in a stupor??) it abandoned the "less is more" approach and went for blood, sex and breasts. And the one scene we actually could have the used some gore was with the psychic, and we got zero payoff.
Plus, did anyone get a really creepy vibe from Thomas and Samantha? That relationship was not above board...