MovieChat Forums > Larry Crowne (2011) Discussion > What was the Entire Star Trek Joke in La...

What was the Entire Star Trek Joke in Larry Crowne

I need it for my Star Trek page, what was the full Joke, the entire Dialogue


it involved star wars.



It had to do with a speech one of the other students (a "Deep Space Nine" Trekkie) was giving in Speech 217. Mercy notices Larry is MIA & interrupts the speech, then apologizes to the student (who's wearing a Stae Trek Deep Space Nine uniform) and asks him to continue with his speech on "Star Wars...the deep space." The student, obviously a devout Deep Space Trekkie, responds with disgust (looking like he's just eaten a worm!) at the notion that the instructor so obviously mixed up Star Trek & Star Wars. If Ican figure out how to post on You Tube, I'll post up this segment & copy the link here.


good call. you are correct. 

