MovieChat Forums > Larry Crowne (2011) Discussion > Julia Roberts' character...

Julia Roberts' character...

Did anyone else think maybe Julia/Mercedes had had breast cancer or something? When her drunk, insensitive husband commented on liking big boobs... and said she didn't have them...she was so hurt and angered... that I thought we might find out later that she had had to have a mastectomy. I also thought cancer/mastectomy might have been why Mercedes was so unhappy. Clearly she was just unhappy and fed up because she had a jerk for a husband.


she just needed a little crowne to turn her around.

today's special: shrimp ceviche!


She got it, too----Seagram's Seven Crown!!!





no, she just have small breasts.

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification


but a huge ego. 

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


I don't think anybody is that big of an ass. She obviously had breasts, but depending on their tastes some men might find them too small. I guess he liked bigger. It's still a hurtful thing to tell your wife. I would have slapped him.
