MovieChat Forums > Larry Crowne (2011) Discussion > I don't get why Larry was fired

I don't get why Larry was fired

He seemed like a great worker


Maybe it was inept bureaucracy, internal politics, somebody higher up didn't like him, his co-workers conspired against him because he worked harder than they, maybe he annoyed a manager with too many ideas in the suggestion box, ...




The company had a rule which said you must have a degree. It happens in the real world. He was a good employee but fired since he didn't meet the technical requirement.

What I love about the movie is how Larry landed on his feet. He didn't have the degree but his experience in the Navy and going to school helped him.

Did you see the guy bringing pizza? That was Larry's former boss...


u-mart was a nefarious organization.



It was a contrivance to make the plot move along so he could meet Julia Roberts.


so they claim. ξ€Ύ



In order to further the plot.


i think he was onto a major embezzling scheme and they didn't want him to get them in trouble.

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


IT had nothing to do with not having a college degree since at the end of the movie the pizza delivery guy once worked with Larry and was obviously fired and he had a college degree.

It was the company's excuse for cleaning house and reducing salary. Larry was a lifetime worker at that place so he was as top pay for his position. Due to the poor economy when this film was made it was a reflection of the times and used it to fire Larry as a vehicle to get him in college

I have seen this happen to several friends. Best of all their coworkers but got fired because they got paid the more than other workers. Then they hire no experienced workers take their job in exchange for minimum pay just to save the company money. Happens all the time and lame excuses to fire someone is always used especially when they are great at their job.

They needed a legal excuse to let Larry go. As they stated in the beginning of his firing meeting several reasons they can't let someone go as to legitimize their reason for firing Larry.

It was a blessing in disguise.

... End of line.


larry is a modern day rosa parks.

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


They needed a legal excuse to let Larry go.

The definition of "legal excuse" is subjective. He's an 'at-will' employee, so they need very little reason to terminate his employment at all. He's also not very old / close to retirement.

I agree with the BS about letting good people go to save a few $. It always comes back to bite the company in the azz. They are much better off taking good workers like Larry and getting them to go to college/take management classes so that they can promote him and motivate other hard workers to do more to get ahead.


total hit job. ξ€·

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²
