Why on Earth did Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts agree to star in this film?
I got forty-odd minutes through this film before this question occurred to me. I mean, here I was watching a second rate film that looked like it belonged on HBO, when I realised that the only reason I was watching it was because of these two names in the credits.
Was it a slow month for scripts or something?
I'm not saying it was entirely bad, it wasn't. There were some great moments, but the majority of this film could have been concocted by students. It really was put together in the most obvious manner. I found myself searching for the hidden depths, the odd surreptitious wink that told me they knew it looked obvious but that said something (anything) that hadn't already been said.
Truly, I picked up on nothing. And I am really good at picking up on that type of stuff.
I'm not saying that actors as accomplished as TH and JR don't have the right to star in anything they want to... I just want to understand why they chose this.
Any ideas?
"I don't reckon I got no reason to kill nobody."