Was this explained in the film??

So we find out Carrie Ann died when she was little, but how did no one know about that? Wouldn't they have had funeral services with the family and all the neighbors at the time would have known she died as a kid?

Ryan wasn't exactly hiding, everyone knew he was there and who he was, so wouldn't this have solved everything from the beginning? If it was known Carrie Ann died and they had another kid who murdered the parents isn't it fairly obvious that it's him?

To me that was a major loop hole in the story but maybe I missed when this was explained.


I understand it to be that they because no one witnessed Carrie Ann dying, they told people they sent away Ryan to care for the aunt (who didn't exist and that never happened) and then turned Ryan into Carrie Ann so the actual death of Carrie Ann was explained as accident.



Carrie Anne was supposed to have survived the fall from the swing, but suffered major brain damage - which would supposedly account for her killing the parents later.
She then ran off and was presumed drowned, although the body was never found.
So her loving big brother was secretly taking care of her rather than have her locked away.

As predictable as this movie was in all other regards I didn't expect the final twist.

Love is never having to say you're sober.


Everything you wrote was what the movie leads you to think until the last 15 minutes, not sure if you understand the information given at the end??


The shovel give you no hint? They buried Carrie-Anne in the woods, probably because the mother was high on crack at the time, or something....the rest as the first answer explained, plus that Ryan was telling about HIS screaming, HIS mental damage/psychosis, HIS being shut in, HIS running away....or rather living in the woods....until he was 18 when he could claim the house as Ryan - thus putting him wham bam into a major case of schizophrenia where he needed another Carrie-Anne if it's not him....haha I thought it was funny and the ending explained enough...



I believe the Cop was heavily involved in covering for Ryan, as he lies early in the film when he says "I drove 3 hours to tell Ryan" . This did not happen.

Cop likely helped spread the story that is was Carrie-Ann and somehow planted evidence to suggest she drowned after committing the murders.

He seemed very protective of Ryan throughout the film, maybe due to guilt of what the parents did to Ryan and he helped cover for it.

There is no evidence to suggest however that the Cop knew Ryan was holding girls hostage in the basement.


What motivated the cop to do this?


It makes no sense whatsoever. Even if the parents covered up her death, wouldn't somebody be missing her at some point? Teachers or neighbours? Even if Ryan was supposed to pass for his sister, someone would've noticed something amiss.

Also, would the police truly believe that a missing young girl killed off her parents as opposed to the surviving older brother?
