
Friends reunited.


That was unexpected and hilarious. They seemed to be on good terms considering how most of the Friends would barely talk to him in season one. The punch line with Schwimmer getting paid more was good.


That scene was PERFECT! I could not stop laughing. The look on "Matt's" face when he heard that Schwimmer got paid $1 mil was classic.

I watched that scene 5 times.

It was a great episode all around.

Crazy Cat Lady in Training 


^^^IKR? I'm finding a lot of those scenes so far this season. So funny I have to back it up and watch it over and over. Love this show!


Funny scene.

Though it seemed odd how they were on good terms, considering they weren't in previous episodes.

Still, I can ignore that for what was a funny gag.


Funniest scene of the entire series!

I was just thinking, with all the people milling around, about how they had said there were many famous people going to be there and I figured, they had to show at least one other "real" person and I was wondering who it would be, when Schwimmer comes walking up.

They really cut that scene together great, with all the funny lines about the uranium mine and the llamas and the crack about how Matt looked like Mrs. Roper.

You could totally see the final line coming about how David got double the money, but still it was funny.


Best scene of the season.

Trolls Need Not Apply
