true story?

what exactly is this based on?


how safety needlez come bout

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


First, michaelflatley_clone, your textspeak spelling is driving me bonkers. You don't actually spell like that on a regular basis do you?

@OP: This story is a true story about, to sum up the details, a drug-addicted attorney (Mike Weiss) who is ironically involved in a court case concerning the development of a safety standard for needles in the medical profession. At the time of this case, health professionals were handling needles which had a tendency to puncture when mishandled. One of the said professionals became infected, post-puncture, which lead to this particular court case. It basically sums up a revelation of the depraved side of medical supply/pharmaceutical corporations.

It is an actual case, and Mike Weiss is an actual person. Hope this helps.


iv read it has the blessing from Mike Weiss and his partner. so Mike Weiss isnt dead!? how much is true? i cant find any info online about the real case and people


nah he did die. it actually happened exactly like you see in the movie it was retold at his memorial


how did they get his "blessing"!?


I'm wondering the exact same thing.


maybe they mean his familys blessing!? they should be more clear though!


I've given blessings from beyond the grave plenty of times. I've also written countless posts on IMDb Boards in the same manner, including this one. It's no big deal.


this NYT article:
(sadly, the movie's website seems to be dead.)

small inventor is real (Safety Point = Retraction Tech), GPOs are real (UMHS = Premier Inc + Novation), big manufacturer is real (Thompson = Becton Dickinson), lawyers are all real (Lanier, Weiss, Danziger), and so is the case ($150m out of court settlement).

as for whether "Senator O'Reilly" (pretty sure there's no such Senator!) really flip-flopped over a campaign donation, not sure. did the guilty corporations really machinate the small law firm's isolation? no idea. was Vicky the nurse really the child of the inventor's friend, and did she die from getting stuck? haven't a clue. is Samantha Danziger really 6 pounds 8 ounces? ask her daddy. did Susie give Mike a handjob? apparently not - or it was just so bad he fell asleep.

