This movie speaks the truth
If a product would be invented that proved to be safer, and cheaper to
produce, the companies that pulls in a lot of money on the expensive stuff
would do anything to keep the new products from hitting the market.
You can be assured that it happens on a daily basis.
Gasoline for example. There's so much money in oil that any company or person
trying to find alternative source of fuel gets bought out or shut down by
the big ones.
Same with Medication. Take the herd we all know as Marijuana, but its real
name is Cannabis. It has THE highest numbers of healing abilities of any
known plant, and can be grown anywhere, it also produces materials for
clothes and paper.... but the big companies can't control it so they shut it down.
It happens every day, and will continue to happen until the little man
speaks up and sets his foot down against the big brother companies.