MovieChat Forums > Daydream Nation (2010) Discussion > this kind of women . like caroline.==3 t...

this kind of women . like caroline.==3 to them all.

ive read everything in the discussions and i see no one is really bothered
with this kind of woman behavior too much.

its like we are all bound to cope with *beep* men and women equally.

like sex isnt even something that differentiates us in terms of our feelings.

*beep* will come into your life like they were invited to dinner, eat your soul and instead of washing dishes they will *beep* in them.

i had so much experience with women like caroline (i was a thurston type of a boy) and the best thing people could do is not paying attention to women like her.
not talking to her, not acknowledging their presence, not giving them the angle to be what they are.

thankfully the moment person discovers self improvement and running, cooking, learning foreign languages and vegetarianism you just stop living with sadness.

their agenda is to have fun or cure their complexes on you. never to love. they have no ability. the bitch inside wont let them.
the movie ended as a complete fiction. she should have died in that car accident. in reality persons like her get bored very very easily.
even though ending seemed to be happy, im sure by the time she is 20 she is hopped up on pills,smoking crack and banging other guy every night.

movie itself can be better described as educational for teen boys and somewhat piece of art..6/10


More likely she graduated from law school and went on to be very successful, because she was a) very intelligent and b) not caught up in fitting expected molds created for her and girls like her.

It's sad that you're still bitter about some girl from high school, so much so that it still forms your opinions on all women.

But it's kinda funny, too.


or c) self centered and self absorbed to the level nothing can stand in her way.
(lawyer/politician or similar)

and why wouldnt be all angry at people who play or played with someones emotions?
should we acknowledge that behavior? should we glorify it?
should every woman and man out there try their best to *beep* up as many lives
as possible?

that was a hypothetic construction. best leave it alone. its obvious who you root for so yeah... do your thing and good luck
