Most and least likeable characters in this movie... for you?
Most, Thurston... No doubt about it
Least, alot of people to pick from here... You have Kat Dennings character who is completely egocentric and uses people to her own convinience...
And you have the (terrible) teacher played by Josh Lucas who makes fun of his students and talks about showing Kat Dennings character essays of Thurston so she can see how screwed up he is (the fact that he banged Kat I didn't have alot of issues with as it was consentual and driven on by her) and goes all pathetic at the end of the movie...
BUT while both of these are strong contenders I'm gonna give the award to the sleazy father of Kat Dennings father, who was completely obnoxious and rude towards Thurston when he came to see her (even when he brought cupcakes!)... Of course he gave him a chance after the possibility of him getting it on with his mother came to the map...
And while Josh Lucas and Kat Dennings character could be faulted on some mental issues, Kat's father didn't have any of those issues and was just a sleezebag
I'm gonna refuse you an offer you can't make