Laundry room
While Caroline was cleaning Barry's shirt, she looks outside and notices a bloody person. Was that supposed to be Thurston?
shareWhile Caroline was cleaning Barry's shirt, she looks outside and notices a bloody person. Was that supposed to be Thurston?
shareIt was Rolly, Thurston's friend who died in the car accident. You'll notice at different times in the movie, rocks are thrown (eg. at the car, through Barry's window) I believe this is Rolly warning the characters against making bad decisions. When the rocks are thrown at the car I think he's trying to warn Thurston that Caroline is just using him, when the rock comes through Barry's window I think he's trying to warn Barry away from Caroline because he knows that Thurston is in love with her, and when Caroline "sees" him through the window she realises that she is choosing the wrong guy and goes back to Thurston.