MovieChat Forums > Barbarian (2022) Discussion > My (mixed feelings) review

My (mixed feelings) review

I truly enjoyed the built up of the first story but hear me out; a lot of horror movies can be frustrating with characters taking stupid decision BUT, rarely do I get pissed. This one pissed me off. Here we have a small woman that goes down the scariest stairs on earth to go rescue a guy she met the day before because he’s screaming for help from what sounds like the bottom of a well, knowingly that he’s twice her size yet managed to mysteriously disappear and get trapped within 25 seconds of her seeing him going downstairs! Of course, she is a brave one! What got him won’t get you right? What do you think you can do to save him? Your fists of fury can help maybe? This is a case of either you have super powers or either you’re a stupid fucking dumb person. You know what I wish for stupid dumb characters? I just hope they all die horribly! “Anyways… I was really hoping that the nice guy would turn out to be a psychopath but no, they went down the crazy naked old grandma in the basement thing.” Now that this is out of the way, right after that terrible scene, the movie switch up entirely and we are now watching the second story. It looks like a totally different movie and it’s starring Justin Long as a famous actor getting sued for rape a a co-star. This, again, was another solid built up that I truly enjoyed. Then he goes in the basement too but it makes more sense because he’s the home owner, He got a flashlight, a knife and he’s investigating sounds he heard. When he measures with his tape he suddenly becomes “lead-female-character-stupid”, ignoring completely the creepy and alarming things he found. Then shit get a little twisted, we come to the final act and what do you think is the FIRST thing super-power lady wants to do when she finally escapes the basement by the flesh of her teeth? She wants to go back in the basement!!! This time, to save dude she met 15 minutes ago! What an heroine! I salute your foolish bravery and I’m glad you will pay the price for saving him. Twice that is. Which brings me to the “Jump from water tower and cushion to break fall” scene that made 0 sense gravity wise. May I mention the 911 operator, or the Two cops refusing to help? Okay, piss me off on purpose dear Barbarian…. I will rate you accordingly. My rating: 6/10


I was glad the other renter didn’t turn out to be nuts, that was a good red herring. How many movies have you already seen where our heroine falls into the clutches of an Evil Nice Guy.

Tess was extremely stupid. We definitely agree there. She could not have made any stupider decisions at every given opportunity.

What did the hobo mean when he said Stunning and Brave wasn’t the worst thing in the house? Did he mean the old guy?

Interesting what this flick says about Detroit. Compare Tess: at the beginning she’s a young, well-put-together professional. At the end she could easily be mistaken for just another crackhead. What are the chances this was on purpose—ie, Detroit eats up young (stupid) people and spits them out?


"What did the hobo mean when he said Stunning and Brave wasn’t the worst thing in the house? Did he mean the old guy?"

Why do people keep asking this question?
Wasn't it obvious enough?


The cops refusing to help was to show the audience that law enforcement(and most others) just didn’t care about what goes on in the hood
