MovieChat Forums > Pretty Little Liars (2010) Discussion > Who are the best and worst parents on th...

Who are the best and worst parents on the show?

Best: Wayne and Pam Fields, Ashley Marin. They actually seem to care about their children! Expecially Wayne and Pam.

Worst: ELLA AND BYRON! Seriously, they are the worst. They freak out (rightly!) about Ezra, but they don't DO anything about it. When Ezra stops teaching they suddenly were totally cool with Ezria. Um okay, he isn't your daughter's teacher anymore but she is STILL a minor!!! So gross. Sooooo gross.


Best: Wayne, Ashley

Worst: Kenneth Dilaurentis


So I'm on season 5 and I agree, Ella and Byron are the worst. Almost this whole season, Aria and Mike basically live by themselves. Ella is out of the country and Byron is always away teaching, I'm glad those kids never needed to see a doctor, or ever went to the ER, because the nearest parent is hours away.


Best: Wayne Fields hands down.

Worst: Ashley Marin. She's the reason Hanna continuously makes poor life choices with no thought of consequences until it's too late. Ashley made a lot of those decisions to help Hanna but it didn't teach her anything good in the end.

Ken DiLaurentis was an awful man, who was an awful father but it seems we haven't gotten the full story with him yet. Peter is the same boat with me.

Peace, Love, and Soul 


Yes!! I"m so happy someone else agrees about Ashley. All she did was teach Hanna to screw up and fix it with sex. That's incredibly destructive and immature behavior. She doesn't parent much at all and she allows Hanna to steamroll over her(I understand that she leaned on Hanna a lot during the divorce but I wish she could've grown up during the series).

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


What do you mean by making terrible life choices? The only time Hanna does something incredibly stupid is all of her situations when it comes to A. Other than that, she is very much like a normal teenage girl. She used to shoplift, so okay that was bad. However, after she grew from her teenage antics, she had become incredibly capable as an adult when it comes to normal life decisions. She does not sleep around, party or screw up her life. She basically got her teenage rebellion out of the way and is now very much control of her emotions and has a lot of respect for herself. She does not let herself be taken advantage of and she is consistently loyal to everyone around her. She is always there for everyone else when they are the ones who make terrible life decisions. (Caleb being an alcoholic) She is also not dependent on a man and all about her romantic relationships like the other girls are.(I mean, Caleb is the only guy she ever loved and she has never been in a rush to cheat on him or hook up with someone new all the time). The farthest she goes is a peck to two older guys and that's it.


I feel like this post was made before. To answer your question:

Best- Definitely the Fields
Worst- The Dilaurentis

So what else is new?



Wayne obviously. After Pam warmed up to the fact that Emily's gay she has also been quite a likeable parent. Ella and Ashley are also good. Byron is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Veronica and Peter are very absent from Spencer's life and clearly favours Melissa, but they too have on occasion came through for Spencer. Tom is, without question, the worst.

Edit: If I include Ali, then I say that Kenneth is pretty much as bad as Tom, while Jessica had her moments but she wasn't really a good parent either.

I've got nothing against God, it's his fanclub I can't stand


Best: Wayne Fields and, once she got over hating the fact that Emily is Gay, Pam fields.

Worst: Ashley Marin. The only thing she taught Hanna was how to make terrible decisions, since that's what she's consistently done throughout the series. Tom Marin, cause he apparently didn't give a crap about his own biological daughter and was more than willing to do anything he could to make his step-daughter happy. The Hastings. They put an abundance of pressure on Spencer to basically be perfect, which wasn't helped by the fact that they obviously favored Melissa and seemed to think she could do no wrong. and if we're including Ali, her parents were pretty terrible as well.

As for Aria's parents, they had their moments of good and bad parenting, I just don't think they were ever as consistently bad or good as the other parents.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


Best: Wayne and Pam Fields. Pam isn't too great in the beginning but she has a wonderful character arc. Just imagine Pam in the 7th season meeting Pam from the 1st season.
Mostly okay: Ella Montgomery.
Constantly well meaning but has bad influence: Ashley Marin.
Rather bad but has redeemable moments: Peter and Veronica Hastings. They mostly make Spencer feel bad and/or ignore her but in a couple of cases when push comes to shove they protect Spencer.
Byron Montgomery. He mostly seems to care for himself but has some moments where he seems like he's invested in the well being of his family.
Mostly irredeemable: Jessica DiLaurentis. She is obsessed about appearances and something tells me that a lot of the things that Mary Drake says ring true.
Completely irredeemable: Ken Dilaurentis. Such cold, distant, unlikable man.
Tom Marin. Never seems to carry an ounce of care for his own flesh and blood and has no morals when it comes to the women he dates (or cheats with which he seems to do almost constantly).


Best: Wayne Fields

Worst: Ashley Marin and the rest lol
