To clear something up..

So, I just randomly watched this movie without really knowing anything about it, was actually pleasantly surprised. I understand how people could hate it though, and I honestly think the only reason I enjoyed it and thought it was pretty funny was that I'm her age and going through (vaguely) similar situations.

Anyways, for the haters I just wanted to point out that I'm pretty sure this movie was supposed to be a SATIRE of the characters represented in the film. the only reason I liked the people was because they portayed an overdramatic, stylized version of real life post grads, and the filmmakers did a pretty damn good job overall.

The movie is unique not only because it deals with these issues, but it does so in a humorous way that was never meant to be taken seriously. I honestly cant think of a movie that humorously tackled the post grad spoiled brat "lost in life" character as well as this one.

I guess what im saying is, when watching this film do not take the characters seriously, but rather realize they are heavily satirized caricatures of real life individuals.



*Stands up and applauds*

Well said, my friend.



Well Said ContractKilla.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


ContractKilla pretty much covered it, but here's my two cents:

I watched this movie just last night and while reading your post I was trying to remember how it ended. Again, I just watched the movie some 12 hours ago!

As for being satire, there are some extras on the DVD with interviews of Lena and she talks about how it's mostly autobiographical. The only things she left out is her real life dad and that her cat is now a hamster. Not much satire there.

I think Aura/Lena summed it up with her video diary when she says she wants to make videos with her in starring in them. Gag!


a lot of hate in this post. I saw the movie, thought it was ok, not excellent but i enjoyed it, took it for what it is. I am 33, and found amazing that a 22 or however old she is wrote a script, got her friends together and shot this. I dont think she doesnt want to work because "she has a texas size sense of entitlement"... its a phase everyone goes through for gods sake...she is 22!.

You think that people with trust funds and lavish lifestyles dont have mature life experience or things to say...You sound like the kind of people that got mad at demi moore when she had an emergency for doing drugs or whatever she was doing....i thought it was so funny because people kept writing "...oh, she doesnt have the right to get ill or be depressed..she is rich for gods sake, what does she have to be depressed about?" need to redirect your anger towards "rich" kids, hipsters, mumblecore etc and just take it for what it is...if you dont like it, then dont watch it!

i think is great that more people are doing, poor etc. Kids should get their cameras and film what they are going through. some people will like it, some people dont, I guess there will always be people like contractkilla bringing you down...the pessimistic type, the downer, the opposite of the dreamer...this world should have more dreamers and less killas...

hope to hear from ms dunham again.


I agree with your sentiments. But I have a feeling you're old. There is certainly an audience out there for pictures like this and there most likely younger than you. You should save your sharp writing for films with bigger budgets and more influence. And filming on a 7d. WOW! by far the best dslr cinematography I have seen in a feature yet. And it was very brave. Maybe not good or creative but certainly brave. And that i will applaud.



I agree, I definitely enjoyed it. The satire was enjoyable and I think Lena Dunham really did do a great job not only in directing but also in acting. The point was to find the character annoying. And it definitely achieved it's goal of satirizing this situation as it is happening to current college grads.

Worth watching!


I found nothing satirical about this film AT ALL. It's one of the realist, most honest, and brave films I've seen in a long time.

If you're 20-something, female, and college educated, everything about this story will ring true to you (even the ho-hum pipe sex). I don't know how many posters on this thread meet that description, but if you do, I dare you to tell me otherwise. I've had arguments with my mother, and heart felt discussions afterwards, that would read almost precisely like these. And I think most young women, myself included, would tell you that the experiences Aura has with men are also quite true to life.

I am really impressed by Ms. Dunham's decision to allow herself to look unflattering on camera - allowing the character to not only sound, but also LOOK like a regular girl in her early 20's. This gave Aura instant believability, and I found it so refreshing.

***How am I not myself?***




I honestly don't think this film was meant as satire. I'm in the grim realism camp.


Boyz N The Hood is also grim realism. Written and directed by someone who was in their early 20's. The major difference, that film is watchable, enjoyable, poignant, insightful, revealing...and a whole host of other things that Tiny Furniture is not.


Right: grim, unsentimental realism. I think when people call it "satire", they mean that it is unafraid to portray its characters in a less than entirely flattering light.

See a list of my favourite films here:


I found nothing satirical about this film AT ALL.

Neither did I. I started to worry reading this thread that I had enjoyed this movie, twice, for all the wrong reasons!


I definitely applaud Dunham for her accomplishments and I think she has real potential as a filmmaker, but let's make one thing clear:

I don't know about all the other college-educated, 20 something year old girls out there, but speaking for myself - I do not relate to this film or the character at all. Please don't think this is what girls in their early 20s are actually like. Maybe a few of them, as this is clearly autobiographical, but not any that I've met and certainly not me.

The movie and the series "Girls" don't speak for any entire generation - maybe they speak for a certain class of girls. I hate to bring money into the issue, and I definitely don't want to discriminate against someone because they're affluent, but maybe Dunham is speaking to a different class than I fit into and that's why I don't understand her and her "problems."


Fool. I am 19, I enjoyed this movie, I did not fall asleep, and I am NOTHING like Lena Dunham/Aura.
