MovieChat Forums > The Voices (2015) Discussion > Did Jerry die in the end?

Did Jerry die in the end?

I don't get it. Or did he pass out?


Yes, he died.




Rewatch the ending. He's as dead as the the ladies.


carbon monoxide poisoning i'd say..

Most people call me a pessimist, I prefer to be called a realist.


It's really open for interpretation and that was confirmed after I watched the bonus tracks.

In my interpretation, I believe that he died. I believe that he finally came to some understanding that what he did was really bad and the only way to end his suffering was to accept death.

However, I could see how someone would think that he was still alive and maybe hallucinating or having another psychotic moment. The firemen were shown walking up to his home and if they think there is another person in the building they will try to save that person if at all possible.

So it is whatever you prefer. That he died and went to heaven or he was having a "moment" before being saved by rescuers. In this case, there is no right or wrong answer.

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It was obvious he died. He was literally dancing with Jesus.


Yes, but the firefighters were on their way in and it was very possible that they got to Jerry in time and resuscitated him. Happens all the time.


It might do didn't happen in this film. He was in heaven dancing and happy. Then the credits rolled.


I'll have to see the bonus tracks, because I don't see how it could be ambiguous at all.

I'd say spoiler below, but anyone who is opening a thread entitled "Did Jerry die in the end" deserves what they see.

As lies there, we hear his heartbeat. We zoom in to his eyes, where we see bosco and mr. whiskers chatting. His heart is still beating. As they speak, it slows down, and then it stops, and he goes up to the infernal disco in the sky.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


When Jesus forklifts you up into the sky it's pretty clear that you're dead.


When Jesus forklifts you up into the sky it's pretty clear that you're dead.

That's a fabulous line.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.




Yeah :) He allowed himself to die because he knew he couldn't stop killing, it was essentially a noble act on his part.


Very similar sentiment to the end of DEXTER.

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