is this season

Gonna have two parts like seasons 3 and 5


Yes. Though season 5 didn't really split its story into two parts, like season 3 did.

If Davis keeps his word, 6B should be a separate story.


Good, because the Ghost Riders plot is getting a bit tired.

(Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.)


I can't believe if you wanna buy seasom 5 on DVD you have to buy part A and B..i understand s3 being that way cuz its 2 diff stories..but s5 is one continuous plot..annoys me..just a way for them to make more money..however they could just price s5 more..


I know! I'm still missing 3A and it's annoying! It should've been together.


In the UK - season 3 and 5 are all in one boxset instead of parts


I hate how they do this crap with the bad guys. The dread doctors just appeared with no knowledge of who they are (I'm still about 40% on what they wanted) now it's these riders. It just seems like they rushed into the overall picture without filling in details


Yes the never seem fully fleshed out like the bad guys in the beginning. I mean they had a lot of build up to the druid, the alpha pack, peter, dark stiles (or whatever he was called) and Jackson. The dread doctors and ghost riders still confuse me on their whole agenda and seem like really one dimensional villains. It probably didn't help that I couldn't understand half of what the dread doctors said and the ghost riders don't speak.
