What I Liked About It

It certainly was not perfect, but there was some good aspects to this miniseries.

Here are a few:
1. The Medgar Evers standoff when he was trying to get admitted to the University of Mississippi. That seldom gets much attention if any attention elsewhere.

2. Overall, the acting was good. Kinnear in particular was great.

3. They didn't focus too much on the assasinations. There had already been more than enough movies, specials, books etc. on this.

4. The balance. The main characters were shown with thier strengths and faults.

5. JFK's back pain. Usually there is a vague mention of it in other movies/miniseries etc. In this miniseries, you got some idea of what it was really like in a day to day basis in that kind of pain.

Just wanted to hear what others thought about the positives of the miniseries.


1 liked the focus on civil rights

2.I loved Barry Pepper's preformance.

3.Kinnear gave a more sensitive protral of JFK than we generally see

4.I agree about the focus on Jack's health problems as well

5.Joe and Rose's realtionship-though they fictionalized certain aspects of it they didn't whitewash their union or the strenghts and flaws of either.
I didn't care for his impatience with Rosemary or taking her away from the family.Yet I completely understood his refusal to just have faith like Rose did after each tradgedy.


Should have been longer.


I agree with what all of you have said. I also liked how they didn't go into the whole Camelot fantasy that was been protrayed post JFK when describing his Presidency. While JFK was president, there was no mention of Camelot.


To the OP: Medger Evers wasn't involved with the University of Mississippi brouhaha. It was James Meredith.

I enjoyed it as much as any historical mini-series. Inherent to most of them, they look a little cheap and feel a tad fake or forced.

Still can't see what the great controversy was about this. The Kennedys came off as flawed but basically decent people. And the performances were quite good. At times, I thought Kinnear actually was JFK (and Barry Pepper was spot on too).
