MovieChat Forums > The Kennedys (2011) Discussion > Dr. Feelgood's injections

Dr. Feelgood's injections

What is he injecting JFK and Jackie with?


It’s honestly hard to say for sure, but it may have been some sort of amphetamine cocktail or the like. Oddly, Max Jacobson’s clients also included presidential photographer Mark Shaw. Details may be found at


Thanks! I was curious...I figured it was some kind of "upper," or speed.


I am wondering, remember when John was like "let me pay you in cash", and the doctor said it was on the house cause, can't remeber if he said America or Kennedys have saved his life and allowed him to live. Was the doctor from Germany or something? Like maybe a former Nazi? Wait watching episode now with jackie bitching bout him might give this answer.

"We’re changing from a code 3, direct pursuit, to a code 347…completely lost due to incompetence"


Max Jacobson was born in Germany, but apparently left (or fled) in 1936. The “Let me pay you in cash” thing might just be cooked up for comedic purposes, because almost everybody who ever knew Jack Kennedy through the years knew that he almost never carried cash! If you’ve ever seen the movie PT-109 starring Cliff Robertson, that’s how far back the money gag goes on film – and President Kennedy himself didn’t complain.



Personally, I don't blame JFK for getting the injections. Unless you've lived with daily pain, you don't have any idea who draining it can be, both physically and mentally. Unless there's evidence that it directly negatively impacted his Presidency (worse than Nixon reportedly boozing it up or Clinton impaling interns with cigars and then lying under oath about it), I don't see the issue. It's interesting to be sure - but I don't think it's a dis-qualifier.


The real injections were allegedly a 'home brewed' concotion containing vitamins, possibly steroids, animal placenta tissue and mostly amphetamines. This was before it was widely known about the effects/dangers of speed so those taking it didn't know better plus it helped JFK do his job.

The main reason why JFK started with Dr. Feelgood to begin with was that he was going to meet Russian Premier Nikita Kruschev in person and didn't want to appear weak since he could barely stand given his back pain. However, the mixture did it's job which is why JFK told his brother (Jackie in the series) when advised of the potential dangers of the injections "I don't care if it's horse piss; it works".


Is there any proof Jackie really has been a patient of him?
