Newspaper In 7th Episode
Anyone notice the newspaper 'J.F.K' is holding up in the very start of the 7th episode???
Clearly shows the CORRECT ORIGINAL ROUTE of the motorcade through Dallas as STRAIGHT through MAIN STREET TO STEMMENS FREEWAY!!!
If anyone has read agent Hosty's book he and the "OFFICIAL LI(E)NE" states that Oswald got his information from the newspapers that's how he knew to take the gun BUT....
ALL newspapers ONLY had that ORIGINAL ROUTE on them and the UPDATED info wasn't shown until well AFTER Oswald was at work PLUS even Hosty states in his book that his TEAM SUPERVISOR stated in the morning briefing at 10AM that agents could watch the motorcade as it drove STRAIGHT DOWN MAIN STREET ONTO STEMMENS FREEWAY!!!
So IF Oswald did actually take the rifle (was has never been adequately proven) then HOW did know to take the rifle as it wasn't only the newspapers, it was radio stating that route as well...
So if Oswald did take a rifle then he WAS GIVEN THE INFO TO DO SO hence why they killed him because they knew if he lived and the trial went through it would come out with all the other lies and discrepancies.
This is a good series and liked everybody in their roles except Katie as Jackie but it definitely makes them all look alot more goody-two-shoes than they were and as usual keep Oswald as the killer when it's been proven he wasn't - DEFINITELY NOT AN OLIVER STONE! Lol