My take on the nudity

I know this topic has already been posted here, some being critical of Jennifer Lawrence for having the sagging breasts of a 33-year-old who's borne children. There were others critical too. So, I had to put in my two cents.

On my first viewing of the scene, when I saw her emerging from the water completely nude and showing frontal everything, I thought, that has to be a body double, or perhaps CGI superimposing her head on someone else's body. It was nighttime and the lighting was dim, so it couldn't be her. But, reading the IMDB trivia, I saw that it was, indeed, her in the flesh. Not only that but she spent two days filming that scene, wrestling around with male and female characters and the film crew, all the while while being naked.

I have to say bravo for her to have the guts to do that, being an established 33-year-old, actress. But she, so she said, just thought it was fun, and it was fun for me too, watching it.

So there it is. And yes, I went back and watched it several times. And I think her breasts looked fine, with some jiggle to them appropriate for a woman of her age.


JLaw has always been a freaky minx. She's quite a liberated young madam. Not prudish in the least.


Nothing at all about her boobs to be critical of. Besides, thirty-three is pretty young. And besides, she was thirty-two when the movie was made.


She’s naked or sexual in most of her roles it seems. She shows her naked crotch in Red Sparrow too.


Her nude scene is an utter delight to watch.
