"Sorry, but 'party line' describes people blandly repeating the same line over and over again without ever saying anything different, just parroting what the hierarchy promotes."
Yes, which is why I explained that although it sounds like I'm "parroting," I'm speaking what I believe from my experience of having my life saved and changed by the faith. When you give your life to Christ, it's no coincidence you begin to proclaim the teachings of His Church.
"As for the laughable things men do to maintain their so-called virility...it is definitely happening."
Yes, and women do dumb things too. Men have been responsible for horrendous things, but also great things. Every male is not Homer Simpson, and every female is not Paris Hilton.
"You must lead a sheltered life."
I can honestly say my life has been the least sheltered of almost everyone I know. This led me to make many erroneous conclusions about life, but then I prayed to God that I could know Him (to make a long story short). Got a fire inside to read the Bible; read it cover to cover. I prayed it cover to cover, more accurately. Turned my philosophies and views upside down, but only because I was open to the Holy Spirit, praying for wisdom and against pride.
"Jesus was more about love and mercy."
This is just not the case. God of the OT talked about love and mercy, but people like to ignore it. Condemnation and hellfire are spoken about more by Jesus than anywhere in the Bible. He says that those who don't want him king will be brought before him and slayed. He talks of people being thrown to torturers, thrown in unquenchable fire, wailing and grinding and gnashing of teeth, locked in prisons, and more. If you need me to cite I will. I will also cite the Father talking about mercy, loving your neighbor, and forgiveness in the OT time and again. Actually, I'll go ahead and cite on example for you from two Gospels:
Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; and A MAN'S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.
-MT 10:34-39
Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division...You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time? And why do you not even on your own initiative judge what is right?
LK 12:51-57
"I am well aware that the problem is not only a Catholic one; pederasts are opportunists wherever there are young people; I don't believe allowing priests to marry would solve the problem...More bishops and cardinals from third world countries...might be able to bring the church into the 21st century, at least where birth control is concerned."
I've already talked about how the Church is weak and sinful, but still holy and acting with the authority of the Holy Spirit. It is far from perfect, and wherever there are men there will be corruption. But "moving into the 21st century?" The Church's scholars and scientists are on top every new development in science and technology. The Vatican telescope is one of the most advanced in the world. Accepting Birth Control because modern women want to have sex without risk of giving birth is not going to happen, because>>the truth doesn't change with the passage of time!<< What's sinful will stay sinful until the end of time. God does not change.
"The Catholic Church in California has just purchased that monument to excess, the Chrystal Cathedral at a cost that could have fed and clothed thousands of people. Christ was a wandering preacher with 'nowhere to lay his head'. It's hard to believe that if he had this amount of money, he would have spent it on a building that is a disgrace to his message."
OK, real quick: Jesus is present inside the Catholic church buildings in the Eucharist (his presence in the consecrated host is symbolized by a red candle burning). In the Gospel story of the woman who broke the bottle of perfume and anointed Jesus' feet, Judas rebuked her because the bottle was expensive, equivalent to $30,000 dollars today. He said they could have used that money for the poor, but Jesus rebuked Judas, saying, "you will have the poor with you forever, but me only a short while." Point: We have Jesus in the Church in the Eucharist. There is no amount of extravagance too great to honor our Lord financially. Even in the OT God had ppl build the highly stylized arch of the covenant and awesome temples for his presence. Also, the Catholic Church is the largest charitable organization in the world. Schools, hospitals, shelters, you name it. Haiti is a recent fad, Catholic organizations have been there for decades.
"As for abortion, as I said, I abhor it, except in the cases I have mentioned, and that as soon as the woman or girl learns she is pregnant as the result of rape or incest if that is what she chooses and she should be encouraged to make an early choice. To me a zygote is not a human being."
Already responded to this and as to why life begins at contraception. If not, then when does life actually begin, and who decides? Does the soul swoop down and enter the body the moment the child's head breaches the womb? Or let me guess, we don't have souls in your view of things? I've experienced my soul exit my body, so I can guarantee you we do.
"You are probably a man and have no idea how much violence carrying and bearing a child does to a woman's body. When it is done because of love, the woman does it gladly. There is no love in a rape,and no woman should have to endure the violence of such a childbirth unless it is her choice to do so."
I've seen my mother deal with the pain of c-section, but of course learning is experience. Irrelevant if you believe life begins at conception. It's not the baby's fault the mother is raped and doesn't love it, it still has a right to life.
"So, no, waiting for the child to grow up and decide whether or not it wants to live would not help the woman's psyche or prevent her body from being violated a second time, but after all, she is only a brood mare, and her fate is not important in the eyes of the church."
No, her fate is equally important, just not more important than the child's. A woman can seek help and go to God for her psyche, abortion is final, and often causes just as much pain in women as anything you can dream up.
"If God were to want everyone to do His will, yes, he would take away free will. The free will argument as the explanation for the evil in the world never made sense to me."
God wants everyone to love him, because he is Love, and love desires relationship. Love cannot be forced, thus freewill. As for the problem of evil, here is something I typed up a while back:
1. God is infinite and utter simplicity; it is beyond our understanding.
2. His way is the only right way, because God is the Way…
3. Thus, God is Law. A natural law, in that he must be obeyed.
4. God is also Life (eternal)/the Source of life.
5. It follows, then, that anything contrary to the Way is a rejection of the Law (a sin), in so much as it is also a rejection of Life. Therefore, to reject God is to choose death (eternal).
6. If the rejection of a law produces no negative consequence, then there is no law, which (given the existence of God) is impossible (#3).
7. Without proper penalty for rejecting the Law, there is not proper justice, but just as Love trumps Wrath, Mercy takes precedence over Justice.
8. God is Mercy, and anything less than death in return for sin is the manifestation of this truth. Thus, suffering is an effect of mercy (#6).
9. The risk of freewill is that it implies choice. In order to love God, the creature must be able to choose not to.
10. Therefore, the potential for evil was necessary, but its existence is not.
C: Blessed in suffering the consequences of our sin, we must reject the original choice into which we were born, so that we may again, one day, reach our natural potential.
"you went to such pains to describe the side effects of birth control pills."
Yes, because the issue being discussed was women's dignity. The side effects I mentioned had to do with that. You're trying to compare birth control to Viagra, and there's not even enough relation there to call them opposites! The reason Catholics think BC is wrong has nothing to do with why people take Viagra.
"Wisdom is to admit how little one knows."
Yeah, that is wise. But true wisdom is from the Holy Spirit, and you begin to understand things about the divine. The Church freely admits there is much more we don't know than know about God.
"Eternal happiness does sound boring; one must be exposed to unhappiness to recognize happiness."
Worldly definitions and confusion caused by your inability to be truly happy and experience peace. Even you have experienced it in your fallen state, it's still not what it would be in heaven.
"The only God that makes sense to me has the qualities that human beings and their religions seem to be incapable of: boundless and unconditional love. Maybe someday I will find that God."
That is the Christian God. If God had no wrath towards that which threatens what is good for you then he wouldn't truly love you. His anger is for our sake, he does nothing for Himself, because he is perfect. Nothing he does adds or takes away from him. It's all for us. God is literally love. Second he is mercy. Saying God is jealous means he wants us all for himself, which is what is best for us and will make us the happiest if we are all his.
"It has been interesting debating with you. I think it's time to quit; you're beginning to sound testy. I wish you well."
Same to you, and perhaps I am. It's due to the fact that I am hostile towards what you believe, but not hostile towards your right to believe it. It's a fine line, I know.
"Thanks for your wish for heaven for me. If I get there, I hope it's not a heaven where I sit around feeling happy and smug that I'm there and not in the other place."
If heaven is pure goodness, truth, etc, then it wouldn't be anything you don't want it to be. Peace to you as well.