The Cristeros War? Why?
Am I to understand the attempt by Mexico's government to secularize Mexico was as harmful to the people of Mexico as, say, the Mexican-American war, which only robbed Mexico of what is now the Southwest United States? This entire concept is a shameless attempt to distract Americans from the role the United States has played historically in oppressing and brutalizing Mexico. I wouldn't doubt if there's some hokey right wing Christian agenda at play here, too. i.e., "fighting for religious freedom" (just the message the NRA nut jobs in America need right now). People worry about the liberal agenda in Hollywood? Here's a prime example of a right wing agenda that's been creeping its way into Hollywood since 9/11, where the overall message is, "KILL, KILL, KILL!!!". You tell me what's worse, that or a small 2 hour dose of white guilt. Oppression of religion is obviously wrong, and this is a good story. But the timing of this is awfully suspicious. Right now Americans need a history lesson in the United States' harassment of Mexico, not a "Passion of the Christ", Latino edition.