Poor Bentley

Does this kid even know what a home cooked meal is? I mean I am sure he doesn't care bout eating pizza and chinese all the time, but dang the cameras don't follow their whole life Maci can take time out to pretend like she cooks for the cameras. Smh. Im going bk to fast forwarding her scenes


Its not just Bentley, it seems all the teen moms do take out all the time.


It's been stated several times that MTV will pay for the food when they are filming. That's why they all are going out to eat, etc all the time. It makes for a 'believable' reason they are talking about things. Why wouldn't Maci get takeout when someone else is paying for it?


Because its unhealthy. They could atleast get a meal that consists of vegetables.


Take-out can include vegetables. Doesn't look like they're just eating McD's or from other fast food places the majority of the time.


It cracks me up that people are actually complaining, b/c I mean I'm sure these people eat healthy 24/7 themselves. And of course MTV films the moms 24/7 as well so I mean that must mean they never eat anything healthy, b/c you know we don't see it!!


Seriously? I swear people will find anything to talk *beep* about. I feel sorry for all the kids on the show except Bentley. Great, supportive family and seems to be super happy and well-behaved.. but sometimes his mom serves take out for dinner.. the horror. Poor kid.


Oh please. Its a message board they are on TV, people will find something to talk about. Oh well.
